This mod allows you to use animated skins stored locally on your PC, or remotely on your server or any image hosting.
First case is for singleplayer, and second is good if you want to share your skin with your friends. Just add URL with all skins to mod configs. It can be either file:/// or http(s)://. Also, if you are using some free image hosting for your skins and it has no direct filename in their URLs you can use name aliases in config matching your name to filecode.
This mod requires ASJCore to run.
Animated skin - lava man.
Host configs:
Local: make folder C:\Minecraft\skins\ and place all your skins there. Names must match username, like AlexSocol.png will be for my skin. Then specify the path to this folder, starting with local storage marker file:\\\ then path to folder made previously and then a nickname placeholder - this will be replaced with your nick. End with .png (because this is the only supported file extension). Result: file:\\\C:\Minecraft\skins\%s.png
Remote: same as local, but instead of file:\\\ use http:\\ or https:\\, then add the rest of the URL, placeholder and file extension. Something like: https:\\\skins\%s.png
And if you are using some public host like googledrive or something else without filenames in the URL, you can specify aliases to match nicks with codes from URL: AlexSocol:AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOp... The host config will be like this:
Remember that images must be .png to work properly. The size is unlimited (well almost unlimited, depends on your GPU), but you need to make sure that width of each frame is twice as big as it's height. Default are 64x32. Number of frames can be unlimited (same as above).