This is the Forge version of the mod, if you're looking for Fabric click here.
Replace those boring, anti-climactic advancement popups with fancy glowing plaques.
This mod requires Iceberg, you can download it here.
Client / Server
This mod adds new custom sounds, which (due to a limitation in Forge) means it needs to be installed on both the client and server. If these sounds are disabled in config, this mod can be run on just the client side.
Can be configured to display plaques for any or all of the three advancement types (Task / Goal / Challenge), or to display on the top or bottom of the screen. The distance from the top or bottom of the screen is also configurable. If you'd like plaques to only show for select advancements, you can provide a list of advancement IDs with the whitelist configuration option.
The appearance of the plaques can be customized with resource packs. See Embellished Stone (Advancement Plaques) for an example.
Works with any advancements, even ones added by other mods and fully compatible with Toast Control. Other mods that affect advancement popups may not work, let me know if you run into compatibility issues!
You are free to use this mod in modpacks.
Other Mods
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