
NZ terra xtreme datapack will start downloading in 5 seconds...


This new datapack creates a very rocky world and there are 22 new biomes added to the original ones.


Azalea_desert, azalea_forest, bamboo_jungle, blue_flower_valley,cold_taiga, cool_stony_peaks, deep_desert_river, desert_river, emerald_mountains,
fern_swamp, fir_forest, graveling_beach, green_moss, heathland, hot_volcanic_peaks, marshland, mixed_savanna, oasis, orchid_jungle, pine_heathland,
red_flower_forest, redwood_forest, river, rocky_hills, savanna_hills, spring_terraces, savanna_mountains, wet_jungle.


Also, in addition to the amethyst geode, there are some
emerald-, diamond-, redstone-, lapis-, gold- and a honey-geodes to find.

(have a look at the screenshots...)

You also can use it in MC Vanilla without my resourcepack!


Requires optifine! Notice: There is an issue in optifine which will be fixed
by sp614x in the future. That means, when you have installed the terra or terrax datapack,
you must press F3+T ingame, to reload the resourcepack for optimal work, every time when you
enter this world.....otherwise some features are not visible....

(it works even if you don't press f3+T... :) ) and 


Requires my resourcepack:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/norzeteus-space-1-13-128x128-ctm-3d-optifine


Optifine original dwnld:https://optifine.net/downloads