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Golden Clock

When you use this item, it becomes day if it is night, and night if it is day. Can be found in monster spawner.

Milk Potion

It takes away all the negative effects. Can be found in igloos.


Green Apple

Gives resistance for 10 seconds. Can be found in mineshaft.

Hellish Hot Pepper

Gives speed for 5 seconds and fire resistance for 15 seconds. Can be found in nether fortress.

Sculk Potion

You become invulnerable to all attacks for 10 seconds, but you gain a Blindness effect for 1 minute. Can be found in ancient city.

Copper Amethyst Goat Horn

Causes a thunderstorm. Can be found in pillager outpost.

Allay Dust

Can be found in pillager outpost.

Antigravity Enderpearl

Like a normal ender pearl, but without gravity.

Antigravity Rock

When you have it in your mainhand, it gives you levitation.

Ender Dust

Teleports you to a random location within a 10 block radius.

Heart of the Sea Amulet

Having it in a bauble slot gives you the conduit effect while you are in water.

Invisibility Cloak

Having it in a bauble slot gives you the invisibility effect.

Magic Mirror

Allows you to save a location.

Rage Potion

Gives you strength and speed effects.

Recall Potion

Teleports you to your last spawnpoint.

Poison Antidote

Having it in a bauble slot clears the poison effect.

Darkness Antidote

Having it in a bauble slot clears the darkness effect.

Wither Antidote

Having it in a bauble slot clears the wither effect.

Wildfire Helmet

Gives fire resistance.


Bauble slot items:

  • Poison Antidote
  • Darkness Antidote
  • Wither Antidote
  • Invisibility Cloak
  • Heart of the Sea Amulet

Bauble Slots


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