Adds over 500 Mini Blocks obtainable in survival! Just place a block into a stonecutter to cut it into Mini Blocks! Works for most blocks as well as slabs and stairs! Each Mini Block has a corresponding note block sound, just like mob heads!
- 551 obtainable Mini Blocks (as of v1.3.0 for MC 1.21.4)
- Most cuttable blocks produce 8 Mini Blocks (see the list below!)
- Each Mini Block has a name that persists between placing and breaking.
- All Mini Blocks can be picked backed up and stay stackable.
- All Mini Blocks have recipe toasts.
- All Mini Blocks have note block sounds. Many are typical sounds related to those blocks. Some are... more unique.
All Mini Blocks and how to get them:
All Mini Blocks are cut from their respective block unless otherwise specified (usually because the block is not obtainable).
Mini Blocks cut from slab-sized blocks (including Daylight Detectors, Stonecutters, Campfires, and Sculk Sensors) and stairs yield 4 and 6 Mini Blocks respectively. Other non-full blocks yield 1 Mini Block. All other blocks yield 8 Mini Blocks.
- All Logs/Stems (Vertical & Horizontal) (11×2)
- All Wood/Hyphae (11)
- All Stripped Logs/Stems (Vertical & Horizontal) (11×2)
- All Stripped Wood/Hyphae (11)
- Bamboo Block (Vertical & Horizontal) (2)
- Stripped Bamboo Block (Vertical & Horizontal) (2)
- All Planks (12)
- Bamboo Mosaic
- Stone
- Cobblestone
- Mossy Cobblestone
- Smooth Stone
- All Stone Bricks (4)
- Granite Blocks (2)
- Diorite Blocks (2)
- Andesite Blocks (2)
- Deepslate (Vertical & Horizontal) (2)
- Cobbled Deepslate
- Chiseled Deepslate
- Polished Deepslate
- Deepslate Bricks (2)
- Deepslate Tiles (2)
- Reinforced Deepslate (from Deepslate and Reinforced Deepslate)
- Tuff Blocks (2)
- Polished Tuff
- Tuff Bricks (2)
- Bricks
- Packed Mud
- Mud Bricks
- Resin Bricks (Normal & Chiseled) (2)
- Sandstone Blocks (4)
- Red Sandstone Blocks (4)
- Sea Lantern
- Prismarine Blocks (Normal, Bricks, & Dark) (3)
- Netherrack
- Nether Bricks (Normal, Cracked, & Chiseled) (3)
- Red Nether Bricks
- Basalt (Vertical & Horizontal) (2)
- Polished Basalt (Vertical & Horizontal) (2)
- Smooth Basalt
- Blackstone
- Gilded Blackstone
- Polished Blackstone (Normal & Chiseled) (2)
- Polished Blackstone Bricks (Normal & Cracked) (2)
- End Stone
- End Stone Bricks
- Purpur Blocks (Normal & Pillar (Vertical & Horizontal)) (3)
- Coal Block
- Iron Block
- Gold Block
- Redstone Block
- Emerald Block
- Lapis Lazuli Block
- Diamond Block
- Netherite Block
- Quartz Blocks (Normal, Chiseled, Pillar (Vertical & Horizontal), Smooth, and Bricks) (6)
- Amethyst Block
- Copper Blocks (4)
- Chiseled Copper Blocks (4)
- Copper Grates (4)
- Cut Copper Blocks (4)
- Copper Bulbs (4×4)
- All Wool (16)
- All Terracotta (17)
- All Concrete (16)
- All Concrete Powder (16)
- All Glazed Terracotta (16)
- Glass
- Tinted Glass
- All Stained Glass (16)
- All Shulker Boxes (17)
- Grass Block
- Podzol
- Mycelium
- Dirt Path (from Grass Block, Podzol, Mycelium, Dirt, Coarse Dirt, Rooted Dirt, & Dirt Path)
- Dirt
- Coarse Dirt
- Rooted Dirt
- Farmland (both Dry and Moist) (from Grass Block, Dirt, Dirt Path, & Farmland) (2)
- Mud
- Clay
- Gravel
- Sand (White & Red) (2)
- Ice (Normal, Packed, & Blue) (3)
- Snow Block
- Moss Block (Green & Pale) (2)
- Calcite
- Dripstone Block
- Magma Block
- Obsidian (Normal & Crying) (2)
- Nylium (Crimson & Warped) (2)
- Soul Sand
- Soul Soil
- Bone Block (Vertical & Horizontal) (2)
- Coal Ore (Stone & Deepslate) (2)
- Iron Ore (Stone & Deepslate) (2)
- Copper Ore (Stone & Deepslate) (2)
- Gold Ore (Stone, Nether, & Deepslate) (3)
- Redstone Ore (Stone & Deepslate) (2)
- Emerald Ore (Stone & Deepslate) (2)
- Lapis Lazuli Ore (Stone & Deepslate) (2)
- Diamond Ore (Stone & Deepslate) (2)
- Nether Quartz Ore
- Ancient Debris
- Raw Iron Block
- Raw Copper Block
- Raw Gold Block
- Budding Amethyst (from Amethyst Blocks and Budding Amethyst)
- Glowstone
- Mangrove Roots (Vertical & Horizontal) (2)
- Waterlogged Mangrove Roots (Vertical & Horizontal) (from Mangrove Roots) (2)
- Muddy Mangrove Roots(Vertical & Horizontal) (2)
- All Leaves (11)
- Mushroom Stem
- Brown Mushroom Block
- Red Mushroom Block
- Mushroom Block Inside (from Red Mushroom Blocks)
- Nether Wart Blocks (Crimson & Warped) (2)
- Shroomlight
- Azalea (2 variants)
- Flowering Azalea (2 variants)
- Crimson Fungus (2 variants)
- Warped Fungus (2 variants)
- Cactus
- Pitcher Plant (3 ages)
- Chorus Plant (from Chorus Flowers)
- Chorus Flower (Normal & Dead)
- Turtle Egg
- Sniffer Egg
- Cocoa Pods (from Cocoa Beans) (3 stages)
- Sweet Berry Bush (from Sweet Berries) (2 stages)
- Dried Kelp Block
- All Coral Blocks (5)
- All Dead Coral Blocks (5)
- Sponge (Dry & Wet) (2)
- Melon
- Pumpkin (Normal & Carved)
- Jack o'Lantern
- Hay Bale (Vertical & Horizontal) (2)
- Bee Nest
- Honeycomb Block
- Slime Block
- Honey Block
- Resin Block
- Froglights (3)
- Sculk
- Sculk Catalyst
- Sculk Shrieker
- Sculk Sensor (Active & Inactive) (2)
- Bedrock (from Deepslate & Bedrock)
- Lantern
- Soul Lantern
- Redstone Lamps (Unlit & Lit) (2)
- Crafting Table
- Stonecutter
- Cartography Table
- Fletching Table
- Smithing Table
- Grindstone (Floor & Wall) (2)
- Loom
- Furnace (Unlit and Lit) (2)
- Smoker (Unlit and Lit) (2)
- Blast Furnace (Unlit and Lit) (2)
- Campfire
- Soul Campfire
- Anvil (3 stages)
- Composter (3 stages)
- Note Block
- Jukebox
- Enchanting Table
- End Crystal
- Cauldron (Empty, Water, Lava, and Snow) (4)
- Bell
- Beacon
- Lodestone
- Scaffolding (standing and floating) (2)
- Beehive
- Suspicious Sand (from Sand)
- Suspicious Gravel (from Gravel)
- Decorated Pots (from Brick and Sherds) (24)
- Bookshelf
- Chiseled Bookshelf
- Lectern (with and without Book) (2)
- Chest
- Christmas Chest (2)
- Barrel (Vertical & Horizontal, Closed and Open) (4)
- Ender Chest
- Respawn Anchor
- Target
- Calibrated Sculk Sensor (Active & Inactive) (2)
- Daylight Detectors (Normal & Inverted) (2)
- Piston (Vertical & Horizontal) (2)
- Sticky Piston (Vertical & Horizontal) (2)
- Dispenser (Horizontal & Vertical) (2)
- Dropper (Horizontal & Vertical) (2)
- Crafter
- Trapped Chest
- Observer
- Cake
- Water (Still & Flowing) (from Ice) (2)
- Lava (from Magma Block)
- Creaking Heart (Inactive & Active, Vertical & Horizontal) (4)
What to do if a Mini Block texture looks incorrect:
If a texture looks incorrect (it looks like a random player head), follow these steps:
- Close Minecraft.
- Navigate to your ".minecraft" folder (if you don't know how, there are many tutorials online for how to do this for different machines)
- Open "assets" and then delete the folder "skins".
This will force your Minecraft installation to re-download all player skins and should solve the problem.
Known Issues (these cannot be fixed):
- Internet connection is required to download each Mini Block texture initially. Once a texture is downloaded (you have seen it in-game), it can be seen while offline. This is a limitation of how datapacks utilizing player heads work.
- Cracked clients might not be able to reach the Minecraft skin server at all, which means that they will not be able to download any of the textures.
Thanks to all those who created the textures used in this pack! (Please let me know if I might've missed someone so they can be acknowledged)
Stridey + The Vanilla Tweaks team:
JAPPA (of course)