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Blood N' Particles - Datapack will start downloading in 5 seconds...


This is a datapack that consists of adding a touch of immersion to the game, adding blood, particles and sounds every time you take damage or when you deal damage to mobs in the game.

So you can see the blood splash you must download the resource pack here:

PD: The link will take you to the resourcepack so you can download it

The more damage you take, the bigger the pool of blood will be


After a few seconds, the blood on the floor will disappear with a
smooth shrinking animation!

If you have any suggestions for the datapack or want to report a bug, don't forget to leave it in the comments :D

In this update, all overworld mobs can now bleed too!


v1.3.0 ChangeLog

  • Added blood to Allay, Vex, Armadillo, Axolotl, Bat, Bee, Breeze, Camel, Cat, Cave Spider, Chicken, Cow, Dolphin, Donkey, Drowned, Elder Guardian, Enderman, Evoker, Pillager, Illusioner, Vindicator, Fox, Frog, Goat, Guardian, Squid, Glow Squid, Horse, Husk, Llama, Mooshroom, Mule, Panda, Parrot, Phantom, Pig, Polar Bear, Rabbit, Ravager, Sheep, Slime, Sniffer, Spider, Turtle, Villager, Wandering Trader, Warden, Witch Wolf, Zombie.
  • Reduced blood disappear time for mobs | 10s >> 6s 

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