Unconventional Heropack will start downloading in 5 seconds...
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This is a Heropack for the Fisk's Superheroes Mod, therefore, you must install Fisk's Superheroes Mod first.
How to install:
- Download the LATEST Fisk's Superheroes Mod
- Download Unconventional Heropack
- Open Minecraft and go into your world
- Click ESC on your keyboard, click Options > click HeroPacks > click Open heropack folder
- Drag Unconventional Heropack to the folder (do not unzip the file)
- Done!
Command to reload heropack:
/fiskheroes reload --resources
Command to reload sound:
/fiskheroes reload --flushSoundCache
Command to reload heropack and sound:
/fiskheroes reload --resources --flushSoundCache
Command to give yourself suit:
/suit [domain:id]
Oliver_Fitzovich - Me, coding, misc. skins, misc. textures, misc. animations
ShueShue - Sound Design, Coding assistance, Num. 1 Supporter
FireMelon333 - Coding assistance, misc. models and misc. animations
Maxime - Coding assistance, misc. animations
imshad0w_ - Coding assistance
FiskFilleAR - Coding assistance
GillygogsMC - Misc. models
_Waffle_Warrior_ - Misc. skins, misc. textures
Kill3rCreeper - Misc. skins
SkarPC2 - Misc. skins
Doom_ - Misc. skin
You may use this Heropack in your Modpack as long as you give credit and link back to this page.
Do not use this Heropack on a public server without permission. You are not allowed to modify it.
Do not re-upload, steal, or copy anything.
If you'd like to know more about Permissions, please read the LICENSE.txt which can be found in the Heropack's ZIP.
Support me on Patreon:
MASSIVE Thank you to Kinetic for their great Service which has helped us Develop!