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Rosmontis Weapon Datapack will start downloading in 5 seconds...


------This message has nothing to do with the content of the datapack.------

I am jobless and I want to make money from youtube but my youtube channel is not yet open to monetize if you guys like my datapack and want to support me and If it's not too difficult for you, Could you please you guys to subscribe my YouTube channel so that my channel can reach the criteria to be able to earn money.

thank for read



------This Datapack Required Resource Pack------

#datapack & resource pack inside zip file




------Rosmontis Weapon Ability------


-Kill hostile&neutral mob[aggressive to player] within 50 block 


-Automatic gain experience by consume experience orb within 50 block


-When hold Rosmonis Core in main hand and press shift,Enter flight mode

-[If you want to landing,Unholding Rosmonis Core in main hand]


-When hold Rosmonis Core in main hand and press ctrl or press w 2 time,Enter running mode


-When hold Rosmonis Core in main hand and jump 2 time, Gain jump boost effect


-When have Rosmonis Core in Inventory and swim,Enter swim mode


-When have Rosmonis Core in Inventory and stay in lava,Enter gain fire resistance effect


-When have Rosmonis Core in Inventory and HP low then 50%,Automatic heal


-When have Rosmonis Core in Inventory and food bar left 0,Automatic fill food bar


-Block all projectiles in 50 block


-When have Rosmonis Core in Inventory and high falling,Enter landing mode


-When have Rosmonis Core in Inventory and have debuff,will cure all debuff