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Eighth's Heroes Heropack will start downloading in 5 seconds...


8th's Heroes Heropack Banner

This is a heropack for the Fisk's Superheroes Mod, therefore you need to install Fisk's Superheroes Mod first.

You can join the Heropack's Official discord if you have suggestion or if you need help.

Installation Guide:

  1. Download the LATEST Fisk's Superheroes Mod
  2. Download 8th's Heroes Heropack
  3. Open Minecraft and go into your Options
  4. Click  HeroPacks => Open heropack folder
  5. Drag the .zip you downloaded to the folder (do not unzip the file)

Command to reload heropack:
  /fiskheroes reload --resources
Command to reload sound:
  /fiskheroes reload --flushSoundCache
Command to reload heropack and sound:
  /fiskheroes reload --resources --flushSoundCache
Command to give yourself suit:


This pack contains these suits :

Marvel :

-Nebula (from GOTG vol.3)

-Spot (Black Version from Spiderman: Across The Spider Verse)

DC comics :

-Killer Croc (Not any specific version)

Other Universes :
-Jack Cooper (Titanfall 2)

-Phase Shifter Pilot (Titanfall 2)

-Genji (OverWatch)

Credits :
Animations : Athnis | Exeptions : JMCT & Candy for the helmet removal animation.

Code : Athnis | Exeptions : Wallrunning done by yelloww69
Textures : Athnis
Modeling : Athnis

Thanks to :
-the whole Fiskheroes community on Fiskord and Heropack Central for helping out
-FiskFille for basically the whole mod that allows me to create this heropack.

Can this heropack be added in public servers or added to a modpack ?
With the creator's permission yes, a link to this page and credit for the creator will be necessary and appreciated.

No code or content must be copied from this pack or reuploaded

Creator : Athnis