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This Datapack helps you to count days.

Days counting is hard. So, I make Day counter Datapack That Helps You To Counts Your Days




How to install:
1. Download the ZIP file
2. Place in your save datapacks folder (.minecraft/saves/<YOUR_SAVE>/datapacks)
3. (Not necessary) Unzip the ZIP file
4. Restart the world which in the datapack was installed or write the command /reload
5. (If don't work 4.) Write this command: " /datapack enable "file/AG, Day Counter, v1.0" "

How to reach the minecraft folder:
Search: %appdata% and go to ".minecraft" folder.

C:\Users\<YOUR USER>\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft

How to uninstall:
Write the command /function antrolgaming:daycounter/settings then click the uninstall text and then you can remove the datapack from here: ".minecraft/saves/<YOUR_SAVE>/datapacks"