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Batty's Coordinates [Datapack] will start downloading in 5 seconds...


Batty's Coordinates Datapack

What it Displays

Displays the X, Y and Z coordinates constantly on the 'actionbar' (i.e. above the health and hunger bars). Also shows the compass direction you are facing (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW), and indicates whether the X or Z coordinates will go up (+), go down (-) or remain the same (=) if you move in the direction you are facing.


Version 001:


From version 002, the Minecraft 'day number' is also shown (as 'dy')


How to Install (version 003 onwards)

Download the zip file and place it into the 'datapacks' folder of your world save.

After a /reload, or the next time you enter that world, the coordinate information will display.


Note 1: it is possible to start a new world with coordinates already running, like this:

(Updated so this works in 1.14)

  1. In Minecraft, set up a new world (e.g. 'NewSurvivalGame') and your chosen options, but do not click 'Create New World'
  2. Leave the game running while you do these next 3 steps
  3. Make a new folder in your .minecraft\saves - and call this folder the name you have decided ('NewSurvivalGame')
  4. Make a 'datapacks' folder inside this folder
  5. Place the zip file into this 'datapacks' folder
  6. Go back to Minecraft and press the 'Create New World' button
  7. The coordinates will display as soon as you enter the world

Note 2: You may unzip the downloaded .zip file if you wish, but you must unzip into a folder (call it 'Coordinates' or 'BattyCoordinates_003' as you wish) and this folder goes into the datapacks folder of your world save.