TNTAlarm will start downloading in 5 seconds...
- You can set price for each TNT-Block-Place.
- You can get notices in console TNT-Block-Place Event: who, where (X,Y,Z), when (of course).
- You can make trusted-players group, who gets detailed notices also.
New! in v 0.0.2 beta
- You can turn on and set amount of moneyback when player is breaking TNT.
- Your trusted-group can see who and where placed lava (from bucket). It'll help you in anti-griefers sanctions.
- Now players can check pricelist by command /tnt.
- Vault
- Any economy plugin compatible with vault (I use iConomy)
- Any permissions plugin compatible with vault (I use PermissionsEx)
How To Install
- Drop TNTAlarm.jar into your server's plugin folder.
- Restart your server.
- If necessary, go in \plugins\TNTAlarm\config.yml and translate messages to your language.
- If necessary, add permission " - TNTalarm.alarm" to your Trusted-Players group.
- Restart your server again to apply your language or restart Permissions Plugin to apply your new permission.
- If you upgrading from v.0.0.1 to v.0.0.2 - you must delete your plugins/TNTAlarm folder and re-edit config.yml by start-edit-reload, as above.//
TNTShowPlayer: true - shows message to player who placed TNT about getting money from his account. If price is "0", this notice will not appear at all. Only for 0.0.2: (this must be set to true for showing message about money-back to players)
Only for 0.0.2: TNTMoneyBack: true - allows moneyback.
TNTLogAlarm: true - writes notice to console.
Only for 0.0.2: LavaLogAlarm: true - writes notice about lava-place to console.
TNTPermAlarm: true - shows notice to Trusted-Players group.
Only for 0.0.2: LavaPermAlarm: true - shows notice about lava-place to Trusted-Players group.
TNTprice: 50 - price for each TNT-placing.
Only for 0.0.2: TNTpriceback: 50 - moneyback amount. Beware! Do not set it higher than TNTprice - they'll farm money here!
Each below is messages to chat, you can translate it to your own language.
- TNTalarm.alarm - allows to see notices about TNT placing. If you are both placing TNT and trusted player - you'll not get notices, but other members of group will get.
Only for 0.0.2: -TNTalarm.lavaalarm - allows to see notices about lava placing. If you are both placing lava and trusted player - you'll not get notices, but other members of group will get.
Only for 0.0.2: -TNTalarm.tnt - allows to use command /tnt - give this permission to all players.