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Stackie is a plugin that groups all items of the same type and experience orbs into stacks of maximum size (for experience it's infinite experience). For example: 6 towers, 64 high of sand will give you about 300 entities (vanilla stacking can't keep up for some reason) using the torch trick. With this plugin you'll end up with about 15 (that is because the stacking range is limited to 0.75 blocks and the blocks/items 'fly' into random directions when spawned) using the same trick. Another example would be rapidly tapping the Q (drop current item) key, giving you a single entity with the plugin or about 50 entities without.

How to use
Put the plugin into the plugins directory and start the server - you're done, the plugin will run from the moment it was enabled/first loaded to the moment you choose to disable it.

Vanilla stacking (rapidly tapping Q)

Stackie stacking (rapidly tapping Q)