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Server Essentials for Bukkit will start downloading in 5 seconds...



Server Essentials is a plugin which opens up the ability for upcoming Server Owners to get a head start into creating a highly customisable server with most settings and messages having the ability to be changed, making the plugin extremely versatile.
  • Fully fledged Economy System with direct support from Vault with various commands and customisations with a working baltop, balance, pay feature and money adjustments via admin commands. The power  is in your hands!
  • A fully customisable Broadcasting system which utilises Placeholder API and has the ability to change messages, add unlimited broadcast messages and even change the delay. On top of this it can be enabled and disabled from the ease of typing either true or false.
  • PlayerJoin and PlayerLeave symbols which shows either a '+' or '-' depending on whether they join or leave. The symbol is also fully customisable with colours and text.
  • Discord command giving the ability to paste your discord link easily in the Minecraft chat, able to be customised with a custom message and colours!
  • Website command allowing you to paste your server's website within the Minecraft chat, able to also be customised with custom messages and colours too!
  • Rules command that pastes the entire file contents of rules.yml allowing you to build a list of rules to your hearts content!
  • Playtime command which shows executing player's (person executing the command) playtime.
  • Features a plugin only reload command which allows you to instantly reload all the config files present with the plugin simply by typing /se reload. Which makes all changes come to fruition.
  • Completely functional 'Setspawn' system which allows you to change and set the spawn point with the ease of one command. Also extremely configurable as the spawn coordinate will be saved into an individual config file which can be changed to alter the spawn location, without a restart with the /se reload command!
  • Fully fledged Home system which features a unique and custom file saving system which will save each and every player's home name and location including: X, Y, Z and Yaw. Alongside this to avoid confusion each location coordinates will be assigned to a sub node with the Player's UUID minimalizing confusion.
  • Functional Teleport system which can be extremely useful for Administrators as it gives permission to teleport to players, teleport players to anyone, or even teleport all online players to your location! On top of this the TPPos command also allows the executing player to teleport to any given coordinates! Plus to suite regular players on the server they can use the Teleport Request system where they can send Teleport Requests to any online player and the targeted player can accept or deny that request with /tpaccept or /tpdeny.
  • Announcement feature which allows players with the permssion to send broadcasted messages to every single online player on the Server. Not only does this come with color support, but also Placeholder API support!
  • Fully Functional Messaging System which allows you to Privately Message the targeted player in the command, which also comes with ability for ChatColor Support!
  • Fully Fledged out Warp System which will allow you to make, delete and warp to an unlimited amount of warps which are all accessible alongside their location coordinates via the warp.yml file. You can also give players individual permissions for each warp using the following format. 'se.warps.warpname'.
  • MOTD System which supports ChatColor and also PlaceholderAPI which will send the Text Block as defined in the config.yml file.
  • Customisable, adaptive and intuitive GUI's for the Warp and Home systems. Which is toggleable on and off. Size of GUI is configurable, as well as text colour and display item.
  • /se reload - Reloads all Files within the Plugin.
  • /se version - Will display the Plugin version in the chat.
  • /se - Will display all commands within in-game chat.
  • /afk - Allows player's to sleep throughout the night.
  • /discord - Pastes the contents within the 'discord-command' path in lang.yml.
  • /website - Pastes the contents within the 'website-command; path in lang.yml.
  • /youtube - Pastes the contents within the 'youtube-command; path in lang.yml.
  • /twitch - Pastes the contents within the 'twitch-command; path in in lang.yml.
  • /rules - Pastes all contents within the rules.yml file.
  • /playtime - Displays the players total playtime.
  • /playtime (name) - Displays the total playtime for the Targeted Player.
  • /hurt - Can take away players hearts with the value being determined by whatever numeric value the player enters.
  • /setspawn - Sets the World Spawn
  • /deletespawn - Deletes the Spawn
  • /spawn - Teleports you to the Spawn
  • /se silentjoin - Disables join and leave message for the executing player.
  • /sethome (name) - Sets a home with the specified name.
  • /home (name) - Teleports you to the specified home.
  • /home (target) (home name) - Teleports you to the Target's Home
  • /deletehome (name) - Deletes the specified home.
  • /sendhome (target) (homename) - Sends the Target to the specified Home.
  • /listhomes (target) - Lists all of the Target's Homes
  • /deletehome (name) - Deletes the specified home.
  • /tpo - Overrides all Teleport Commands.
  • /teleport - Primary Force Teleport Command.
  • /tphere - Teleports the Target player to you.
  • /tpall - Teleports all online players to your location.
  • /tpa - Sends a Teleport Request.
  • /tpacancel - Cancels a Teleport Request
  • /tpahere - Request someone to Teleport to you
  • /tpaccept - Accepts a Teleport Request.
  • /tpdeny - Denies a Teleport Request.
  • /tptoggle - Toggles whether you should receive Teleport Requests or not.
  • /heal - Heals the Target Player to full Health.
  • /feed- Completely fills the Player's Hunger Bar.
  • /announce - Announces messages to the entire Server.
  • /invsee - Opens the Target's Inventory.
  • /gamemode creative - Changes gamemode to Creative.
  • /gamemode survival - Changes gamemode to Survival.
  • /gamemode adventure - Changes gamemode to Adventure.
  • /gamemode spectator - Changes gamemode to Spectator.
  • /fly - Enables and Disables Flight.
  • /kill (name) - Kills the Target Player
  • /message (name) - Messages the Targeted Player
  • /reply (message) - Reply to the last person who Messaged you
  • /msgtoggle - Disables the ability for people to message you.
  • /hidebalance - Hides your balance from being viewed by other players or showing on Baltop
  • /balance - Displays your balance
  • /baltop - Displays the Top 10 Richest players on the server
  • /pay (player) - Pay another player the specified amount of money
  • /paytoggle - Toggles whether players can pay you money
  • /eco <give/take/set/reset> - Admin Economy Command for managing money
  • /craft - Opens the Crafting GUI
  • /anvil - Opens the Anvil GUI
  • /cartography - Opens the Cartography Table GUI
  • /loom - Opens the Loom GUI
  • /smithingtable - Opens the Smithing Table GUI
  • /stonecutter - Opens the Stonecutter GUI
  • /grindstone - Opens the Grindstone GUI
  • /enderchest (name) - Opens up your own, or the Target's Enderchest.
  • /setwarp (name) - Sets a warp with the Following Name.
  • /deletewarp (name) - Deletes the Following Warp.
  • /warp (name) - Warps to the following name.
  • /repair - Repairs the item you are currently holding.
  • /repair all - Repairs all items in your Inventory.
  • /weather - Sets Weather of the current world to specified weather.
  • /time <set/sunrise/day/sunset/night/midnight> - Sets Time of the current world to specified time.
  • /sunrise - Changes Time to Sunrise.
  • /day - Changes Time to Day.
  • /sunset - Changes Time to Sunset.
  • /night - Changes Time to Night.
  • /midnight - Changes Time to Midnight.
  • /sun - Changes Weather to Sun.
  • /storm - Changes Weather to Thunder.
  • /vanish - Vanish Command.
  • /test permission - Pastes the 'no-permission-message' String in game.
  • /test join - Pastes the 'join-symbol' String in game.
  • /test leave - Pastes the 'leave-symbol' String in game.
  • /test welcome - Pastes the 'first-time-join' String in game.
  • /test motd - Pastes the 'motd-message' String List in game.
  • /clear - Clears your own, or the Targeted Player's inventory.
  • /god - Toggles Godmode for yourself, or the Targeted Player.
  • /hat - Puts the item in your hand onto your head.
  • /rename - Renames the item you are holding.
  • /lore - Adds a line of Lore for the item you are holding.
  • /speed (value) - Changes your Walk/Flight speed.
  • /report (user) (reason) - Reports the Specified User to Admins.
  • /reportbug (bug) - Reports the Specified Bug to Admins.
  • /clearchat - Clears the Chat.
  • /sendwarp (player) (warp) - Sends the Targeted Player to the specified Warp
  • /socialspy - Toggles the Social Spy feature on and off
  • /staffchat - Toggles the Staff Chat command on and off
  • /trash - Opens the Trash Chute GUI
  • /back - Teleports to previous location
  • /convert - Converts Held Item to it's Block Form
  • /convert all - Converts Inventory Items to their Block Form
  • /sudo (player) - Executes a Command as the Targeted Player
  • /sudo (player) <command> - Executes a Command as the Targeted Player
  • /sudo %console% <command> - Executes a Command as Console
  • /thor <target> - Strike Lightning
  • /freeze <target> - Freeze the Target in place
  • /jump - Teleport to the Block you're looking at
  • /jumpboost <target> - Activate Jump Boost
  • /fireball - Fire a Fireball
  • /burn <target> <seconds> - Burn Player
  • /world <world> - Teleport to specified World.
  • /whois <player> - Displays a list of useful information about a Player
  • /ping <player> - Displays the Ping of the Targeted Player
  • /seen <player> - Shows when the Player was last active alongside their UUID
  • /near - Displays all Nearby Players
  • se.all Grants a player access to use all ServerEssentials commands.
  • se.reload - Allows a player to use /se reload
  • se.afk - Allows a player to use /afk
  • se.discord- Allows a player to use /discord
  • Allows a player to use /website
  • - Allows a player to use /youtube
  • se.twitch - Allows a player to use /twitch
  • se.rules - Allows a player to use /rules
  • se.playtime- Allows a player to use /playtime
  • se.hurt - Allows a player to use /hurt
  • se.version - Allows a player to use /se version
  • se.setspawn - Allows a player to use /setspawn
  • se.deletespawn - Allows a player to use /deletespawn
  • se.spawn - Allows a player to use /spawn
  • se.spawn.bypass - Skip Wait Time for teleporting to Spawn
  • se.spawn.others - Allows a player to teleport another player to spawn
  • se.alert - Allows the permission to receive update alerts upon logging in.
  • se.silentjoin - Gives permission to the silentjoin command
  • se.sethome - Gives permission to the sethome command
  • se.sethome.[number] - Gives permission for players to set specified amount of homes
  • se.sethome.unlimited - Gives permission to set unlimited homes
  • se.home - Gives permission to the home command
  • se.home.bypass - Skip Wait Time for teleporting to a Home
  • se.home.others - Gives permission to teleport to other player's homes
  • se.deletehome - Gives permission to the deletehome command
  • se.sendhome - Send Home Command
  • se.listhomes - List Homes command
  • - Gives permission to the se command
  • se.silenttp - Stops the person you teleported to from receiving a message.
  • se.tpo - Gives permission to bypass all teleport commands.
  • se.teleport - Gives permission to the teleport and teleport here command.
  • se.offlinetp - Gives permission to teleport to offline player's saved location.
  • se.teleport.coords - Gives permission to teleport to coordinates
  • se.teleport.bypass - Bypasses the TPA and TPAHere command and wait cooldowns
  • se.tpall - Gives permission to the tpall command
  • se.tpa - Gives permission for the tpa command
  • se.tpacancel - Gives permission for the tpacancel command
  • se.tpahere - Gives permission for the tpahere command
  • se.tpaccept - Gives permission for the tpaccept command
  • se.tpdeny - Gives permission for the tpdeny command
  • se.tptoggle - Gives permission for the tptoggle command
  • se.heal - Gives permission for the heal command
  • se.feed - Gives permission for the feed command
  • se.announce - Gives permission for the announce command
  • se.invsee - Gives permission for viewing other player's inventories
  • se.invsee.others - Gives permission for changing other player's inventories
  • se.gamemode.creative - Creative Gamemode
  • se.gamemode.survival - Survival Gamemode
  • se.gamemode.adventure - Adventure Gamemode
  • se.gamemode.spectator - Spectator Gamemode
  • - Toggle Fly for yourself
  • - Toggly Fly for other player's
  • se.kill - Kill Command
  • se.message - Message Command
  • se.reply - Reply Command
  • se.msgtoggle - MSG Toggle Command
  • - Pay Command
  • se.paytoggle - Pay Toggle Command
  • se.hidebalance - Hide Balance Command
  • se.balance - Balance Command
  • se.baltop - Baltop Command
  • - Eco Commands
  • se.craft - Craft Command
  • se.anvil - Anvil Command
  • se.cartography - Cartography Table Command
  • se.loom - Loom Command
  • se.smithingtable - Smithing Table Command
  • se.stonecutter - Stonecutter Command
  • se.grindstone - Grindstone Command
  • se.enderchest - Enderchest Command
  • se.enderchest.others - Allow Players to open a Target's Enderchest
  • se.setwarp - Setwarp Command
  • se.setwarp.block - SetWarp Block Command
  • se.deletewarp - Delete Warp Command
  • se.warp - Warp Command
  • se.warp.bypass - Skip Wait Time for teleporting to a Warp
  • se.warps.[warpname] - Permission to teleport to a specific warp
  • - Repair and Repair All Commands.
  • - Weather Commands.
  • se.time - All Time Related Commands.
  • se.vanish - Vanish Command.
  • se.vanish.see - Allow you to see Vanished Players
  • se.test - All Test Commands
  • se.clear - Clear Command
  • se.god - God Command
  • se.hat - Hat Command
  • se.rename - Rename Command
  • se.lore - Lore Command
  • se.speed - Speed Command
  • se.speed.others - Speed Others Command
  • se.reportuser - Report User Command
  • se.reportbug - Report Bug Command
  • se.reportnotification - Sends Reports from the Report Command
  • se.clearchat - Clear Chat Command
  • se.sendwarp - Send Warp Command
  • se.warps.all - Grants Player Access To All Warps
  • se.socialspy - Social Spy Command
  • se.staffchat - Staff Chat Command
  • se.trash - Trash Command
  • se.back - Back Command
  • se.back.bypass - Bypass all Back Command related Variables and Wait Times
  • se.convert - Convert Command
  • se.sudo - Sudo Command
  • se.thor - Thor Command
  • se.freeze - Freeze Command
  • se.jump - Jump Command
  • se.jumpboost - Jump Boost Command
  • se.fireball - Fireball Command
  • se.burn - Burn Command
  • - World Command
  • se.whois - Whois Command
  • - Ping Command
  • se.seen - Seen Command
  • se.near - Near Command
Default Config:
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                   Introduction                       | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# This is the config file for Server Essentials.
# This config was generated for version 2.1.6

# If you experience any issues please make sure that:-
#     - Numeric values don't include any quotation marks or apostrophes.
#     - All words that change text in game include quotation marks.
#     - Don't change any words present before the ':'.
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +              Server Essentials (Global)              + #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Changes the prefix that appears at the start of every message and command.
prefix: "[Server Essentials]"
# Enable or Disable the Update Checker Messages that appear in-game
# Default: true
update-checker: true
# Enable or Disable the Join Message
# Default: true
enable-join-message: true
# Enable or Disable the Leave Message
# Default: true
enable-leave-message: true
# Enable or Disable the First Time Join Message
# Default: true
enable-first-time-join-message: true
# Enable or Disable the Staff Join Message
# Default: true
enable-staff-join-message: true
# Enable or Disable the Staff Leave Message
# Default: true
enable-staff-leave-message: true
# Enable to send players to the Newbie Spawn upon Joining for the First Time
# If a Newbie Spawn isn't set, this will send players to the main Spawn
# Default: true
spawn-on-first-join: true
# Enable to send players to the Spawn upon Joining
# Default: false
spawn-on-join: false
# Enable to send players to the Spawn upon Dying
# Default: true
spawn-on-death: true
# Remove all Potion Effects when using /heal
# Default: false
remove-effects-on-heal: false
# Enter a name in between the quotations to enable or leave empty to disable
# This will be used to send a message in the 'staff-chat-channel-name', 'report-user-channel-name' and 'report-bug-channel-name' on Discord
server-name: ""
# How long Players have to wait until they can use the Repair Command again
# Set to 0 to Disable
# Restart Required
# Default: 30
repair-cooldown: 30
# How long Players have to wait until they can use the Heal Command again
# Set to 0 to Disable
# Restart Required
# Default: 30
heal-cooldown: 30
# How long Players have to wait until they can use the Feed Command again
# Set to 0 to Disable
# Restart Required
# Default: 30
feed-cooldown: 30
# Near Range
# How many Blocks the /near command should search for nearby players
# Default: 200 Blocks
near-range: 200
# Determine the amount of slots inside the Trash GUI
# Minimum: '9'
# Default: 27
trash-gui-size: 27
# Determine whether you'd like messages to play a sound, and if so, which sound.
# Default: true
# msgsoundName: block.note_block.bell
# msgsoundVolume: 1.0
# msgsoundPitch: 2.0
msgsound: true
msgsoundName: block.note_block.bell
msgsoundVolume: 1.0
msgsoundPitch: 2.0
# List Commands Below that you would like to be Disabled
# Make sure each command is on a new line with - at the start
# See example below:
# - message
  - empty
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +              Server Essentials (Broadcast)           + #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Enable the Broadcasting function.
# Default: false
broadcast: false
# Add Broadcast Messages Here
# Make sure to use the Format [- "(messagehere)"] on each line to add a new message into the cycle.
  - "Test Broadcast"
  - "Test Broadcast 2"
# Ticks Between Each Message
# 20 Ticks = 1 Second
# Default: 1000
broadcast-delay: 1000
# Change the Minimum Amount Of Players Online for the Broadcast System to run
# Can be useful to reduce spamming console with no one online
# Default: 1
broadcast-min-players: 1
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +              Server Essentials (MOTD)                + #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Enable the MOTD Message Upon Joining
# Default: true
enable-motd: true
# How long the Plugin will wait until the MOTD is sent to the player after joining (in Seconds)
# Default: 5
motd-delay: 5
# Change the Messaging for the MOTD
  - "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
  - "&bThis Server uses Server Essentials!"
  - "&aDownload the Plugin Today!"
  - "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +              Server Essentials (Discord)             + #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Enable Discord Integration for the Report Commands.
# Default: false
enable-report-discord-integration: false
# Enable Discord Integration for Staff Chat.
# Default: false
enable-staff-discord-integration: false
# Change the name of the Discord Channel where staff chat messages are sent.
# This name will have to be entered into the DiscordSRV config.yml File.
# ["staff-chat": "000000000000000000"] as an example.
staff-chat-channel-name: staff-chat
# Change the name of the Discord Channel where report notifications are sent.
# This name will have to be entered into the DiscordSRV config.yml File.
# ["report-user": "000000000000000000"] as an example.
report-user-channel-name: report-user
# Change the name of the Discord Channel where report notifications are sent.
# This name will have to be entered into the DiscordSRV config.yml File.
# ["report-bug": "000000000000000000"] as an example.
report-bug-channel-name: report-bug
# Adds a message that is pasted before the Report Command Embed Message is sent
# Useful for pinging a group with all Staff Members inside when a Report is sent
# Please make sure to paste the Group ID into the quotations for this to work correctly
# To disable this leave the contents within the "" blank
# Make sure to go to the DiscordSRV config.yml file and change 'DiscordChatChannelAllowedMentions' to include 'role' within the []
group-id: ""
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +              Server Essentials (Spawn)                + #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# How many Seconds the Player has to wait before they are teleported to Spawn
# Set to '0' to Disable
# Default: 5
spawn-teleport: 5
# Enable or Disable the ability to stop Teleportation when the Player Moves
# Only works if 'spawn-teleport' is higher than 0
# Default: true
spawn-movement-cancel: true
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +              Server Essentials (Warp)                + #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Enable or Disable the Warp GUI
# Default: true
enable-warp-gui: true
# Determine the amount of slots inside the Warp GUI
# Minimum: '9'
# Default: 9
warp-gui-size: 9
# Change the Item that shows for Warps in the Warp GUI
warp-item: DIAMOND_BLOCK
# Change the Colour of Warp Names in the Warp GUI
# Please use Colour Codes
warp-name-colour: "&a"
# Enable Subtitle Text on screen when teleporting to a Warp
# Default: false
enable-warp-subtitle: false
# How many Seconds the Player has to wait before they are teleported to a Warp (in Seconds)
# Set to '0' to Disable
# Default: 5
warp-teleport: 5
# Enable or Disable the ability to stop Warping when the Player Moves
# Only works if 'warp-teleport' is higher than 0
# Default: true
warp-movement-cancel: true
# Enable Blacklisted World Feature for Warps
# Default: False
enable-warp-blacklist: false
# Blacklist Worlds where Player's cannot create Warps
  - world
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +              Server Essentials (Home)                + #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Enable or Disable the Home GUI
# Default: true
enable-home-gui: true
# Determine the amount of slots inside the Home GUI
# Minimum: '9'
# Default: 9
home-gui-size: 9
# Change the Item that shows for Homes in the Home GUI
home-item: RED_BED
# Change the Colour of Home Names in the Home GUI
# Please use Colour Codes
home-name-colour: "&a"
# Enable Subtitle Text on screen when teleporting to Home
# Default: false
enable-home-subtitle: false
# Default Home Count
# Default: 3
default-home-count: 3
# How many Seconds the Player has to wait before they are teleported to Home (in Seconds)
# Set to '0' to Disable
# Default: 5
home-teleport: 5
# Enable or Disable the ability to stop Teleportation when the Player Moves
# Only works if 'home-teleport' is higher than 0
# Default: true
home-movement-cancel: true
# Enable Blacklisted World Feature for Homes
# Default: false
enable-home-blacklist: false
# Blacklist Worlds where Player's cannot set homes
# Default: False
  - world
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +              Server Essentials (Teleport)            + #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Enable Blacklisted World Feature for Teleporting to Players
# Default: False
enable-teleport-blacklist: false
# Blacklist Worlds where Player's cannot teleport to other Players
  - world
# Enable Teleporting in Blacklisted World if both players are in the world
# Default: False
enable-teleport-in-world: false
# How long until Teleport Requests Timeout (in Seconds)
# Default: 30
teleport-cancel: 30
# How many Seconds the Player has to wait before they are teleported to someone (in Seconds)
# Set to '0' to Disable
# Default: 5
teleport-wait: 5
# Enable or Disable the ability to stop Teleportation when the Player Moves
# Only works if 'teleport-wait' is higher than 0
# Default: true
teleport-movement-cancel: true
# How long Players have to wait until they can use the Teleport Command again (in Seconds)
# Set to 0 to Disable
# Restart Required
# Default: 30
tp-cooldown: 30
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +              Server Essentials (Back)                + #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Enable or Disable Saving Location when teleporting to someone
# Default: true
teleport-save: true
# Enable or Disable Saving Location when teleport to your Home
# Default: true
home-save: true
# Enable or Disable Saving Location when warping to a Warp
# Default: true
warp-save: true
# Enable or Disable Saving Location when teleporting to Spawn
# Default: true
spawn-save: true
# Enable or Disable Saving Location upon Death
# Default: true
death-save: true
# Enable or Disable Saving Location upon changing World
# Default: true
world-save: true
# Enable Blacklisted World Feature for the Back Command
# Default: False
enable-back-blacklist: false
# Blacklist Worlds where Player's cannot use /back
  - world
# How long Players have to wait until they can use the Back Command again (in Seconds)
# Set to 0 to Disable
# Restart Required
# Default: 30
back-cooldown: 30
# How many Seconds the Player has to wait before they are returned to their previous location (in Seconds)
# Set to '0' to Disable
# Default: 5
back-teleport: 5
# Enable or Disable the ability to stop Teleportation when the Player Moves
# Only works if 'back-teleport' is higher than 0
# Default: true
back-movement-cancel: true
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +              Server Essentials (Fly)                 + #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Enable Blacklisted World Feature for the Fly Command
# Default: False
enable-fly-blacklist: false
# Blacklist Worlds where Player's cannot use /fly
  - world
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# +              Server Essentials (Eco)                 + #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# The Balance that all Players will have upon joining the server, also affecting the </eco reset> command.
# Default: 0
start-balance: 0
# Set this to the Currency Symbol you would like to use.
# Default: $
currency-symbol: '$'
# Set this to the Plural Name you would like for your currency.
# Default: Dollars
currency-name-plural: "Dollars"
# Set this to the Singular Name you would like for your currency.
# Default: Dollar
currency-name-singular: "Dollar"
Default Lang.yml:
no-permission-message: You do not have the required permission (<permission>) to run
  this command.
plugins-command: Hah! Nice try...
command-timeout: You cannot use this command for another <time> Seconds
player-offline: Player does not exist!
target-offline: Target is offline
all-offline: There are no players online
console-invalid: You cannot execute this command in Console
invalid-player: You are not a player
incorrect-format: Incorrect format! Please use &6<command>
target-self: You cannot target yourself.
first-time-join: Welcome <player> to the Server!
join-symbol: '&6[&a+&6] &f<player>'
leave-symbol: '&6[&c-&6] &f<player>'
staff-join-message: '&d(&5&lStaff&d) <player> &7has joined the game'
staff-leave-message: '&d(&5&lStaff&d) <player> &7has quit the game'
website-command: Website Command
discord-command: Discord Command
youtube-command: YouTube Command
twitch-command: Twitch Command
gui-confirm-name: '&aYes'
gui-deny-name: '&cNo'
afk-active: You are now AFK
afk-inactive: You are no longer AFK
back-previous-location: Teleported to previous location
back-no-location: You have no location to return to
back-blacklisted-world: Cannot use Back Command in a Blacklisted World
back-movement-cancel: Teleportation to previous location cancelled due to Movement
back-wait-message: Teleporting to previous location in <time> Seconds
clear-chat: |-
  &cThe chat has been cleared by a staff member.
clear-success: Inventory cleared
clear-target-success: <target>(s) inventory has been cleared
pay-toggle-enabled: Players can no longer pay you
pay-toggle-disabled: Players can now pay you
pay-disabled: That player has paying disabled
hidebalance-toggle-enabled: Players can no longer see your balance
hidebalance-toggle-disabled: Players can now see your balance
hidebalance-view: That player's balance cannot be viewed
eco-receive: '&aYou have received &e<amount> &afrom &b<player>. &aYou now have: &e<balance>'
eco-insufficient: '&cYou do not have enough money to send.'
eco-invalid: '&cAmount is &60 or less.'
eco-balance: '&aBalance: &e<balance>'
eco-balance-target: '&b<player>''s &aBalance: &e<balance>'
eco-pay: '&aPaid &b<player> &e<amount>. &aThey now have: &e<balance>'
eco-baltop: '&6---- Top Balances ----'
eco-baltop-empty: '&6No player balances can be found.'
eco-baltop-player: '&e<number>. <player>: &a<balance>'
eco-give: '&aDeposited &e<amount> &ainto &b<player>''s &abalance. New Balance: &e<balance>'
eco-give-all: '&aDeposited &e<amount> &ainto &beveryone''s &abalance.'
eco-take: '&aTaken &e<amount> &afrom &b<player>''s &abalance. New Balance: &e<balance>'
eco-take-all: '&aTaken &e<amount> &afrom &beveryone''s &abalance.'
eco-take-target: '&b<player> &ahas taken &e<amount>. New Balance: &e<balance>'
eco-set: '&aSet &b<player>''s &abalance to &e<balance>'
eco-set-all: '&aSet &beveryone''s &abalance to &e<balance>'
eco-set-target: '&aYour balance has been set to &e<balance> &aby &b<player>'
eco-reset: '&aReset &b<player>''s &abalance to &e<balance>'
eco-reset-all: '&aReset everyone''s &abalance to &e<balance>'
eco-reset-target: '&aYour balance has been reset by &b<player> &ato &e<balance>'
enderchest-target-is-sender: Do /ec to access your own Enderchest
enderchest-open-success: Opened <target>(s) Enderchest
freeze-target: <player> has been frozen
unfreeze-target: <player> has been unfrozen
freeze-message: You cannot move as you are frozen
feed-sender-message: You have fed <target>
feed-target-message: You have been fed by <sender>
feed-self: You have fed yourself
fly-enabled: Flying enabled
fly-disabled: Flying disabled
fly-target-enabled: <target> can now fly
fly-target-disabled: <target> can no longer fly
fly-blacklisted-world: Cannot use Fly Command in a Blacklisted World
fire-success-self: '&6You have set yourself on fire for &c<time> seconds'
fire-success-target: '&6You have set &c<target> &6on fire for &c<time> seconds'
fire-receive-target: '&6You have been set on fire by &c<player> &6for &c<time> seconds'
gamemode-creative-self: You are now in Creative
gamemode-creative-target: Set <target> into Creative
gamemode-survival-self: You are now in Survival
gamemode-survival-target: Set <target> into Survival
gamemode-spectator-self: You are now in Spectator
gamemode-spectator-target: Set <target> into Spectator
gamemode-adventure-self: You are now in Adventure
gamemode-adventure-target: Set <target> into Adventure
god-enabled: Godmode Enabled
god-disabled: Godmode Disabled
god-enabled-target: Godmode Enabled for <target>
god-disabled-target: Godmode Disabled for <target>
god-target-is-sender: Use /god to set yourself into Godmode
hat-success: You are now wearing <hat>
hat-invalid: You can't wear that!
heal-self: You have healed yourself
heal-target: You have healed <target>
heal-target-message: You have been healed by <sender>
home-deletion-success: Home <home> has been successfully deleted
target-home-deletion-success: <target>(s) Home has been successfully deleted
home-set-success: Successfully set home location
home-blacklisted-world: You cannot set a Home in a Blacklisted World
home-world-invalid: World isn't loaded!
home-max-homes: 'You cannot set any more homes (Max Homes: <max>)'
home-subtitle: Successfully teleported to <home>
home-message: Successfully teleported to <home>
home-wait-message: Teleporting to <home> in <time> Seconds
target-home-wait-message: Teleporting to <target>(s) Home in <time> Seconds
home-invalid: Home &6<home> &fdoesn't exist or is invalid
home-file-error: home.yml file is empty or null
home-gui-name: Home GUI
target-home-gui-name: <target>(s) Home List
delete-home-gui-name: Delete Home &6<home>?
target-delete-home-gui-name: Delete <target>(s) Home &6<home>?
home-gui-left-click: Click to teleport to <home>
home-gui-right-click: Right Click to Delete Home
no-homes-set: No Homes have been set
no-homes-set-target: <target> hasn't set any Homes
home-gui-error: GUI Size is too small, increase the value in Config!
home-teleport-target: You have teleported to <target>(s) home
home-movement-cancel: Teleportation to Home cancelled due to Movement
listhomes-self: To check your Homes, type /home
sendhome-target: You have been teleported to your home
sendhome-player: Teleported <target> to their home
hurt-target: <target> was hurt for <damage> damage points
hurt-invalid-number: <damage> is not a valid number
invsee-target-is-sender: You cannot open your own inventory
invsee-armor-gui: Equipped Armor
kill-self: You just killed yourself
kill-target: You just killed <target>
list-message: '&6There are &c<amount> &6out of maximum &c<total> &6players online.'
lore-invalid-item: Please hold a valid item to set the lore
lore-reset-invalid-item: Please hold a valid item to reset the lore
lore-successful: Successfully set item lore as <lore>
lore-reset-successful: Successfully reset item lore
message-self: You cannot message yourself
message-disabled: That person has messaging disabled
message-toggle-enabled: Incoming Messages have been Disabled
message-toggle-disabled: Incoming Messages have been Enabled
message-sender: '&eme &6>> &f<target> &7: <message>'
message-recipient: '&f<sender> &6>> &eme &7: <message>'
message-recipient-console: '&fConsole &6>> &eme &7: <message>'
reply-sender: '&eme &6>> &f<target> &7: <message>'
reply-recipient: '&f<sender> &6>> &eme &7: <message>'
reply-no-message: There is no message to reply to
near-message: '&6Players nearby:'
near-invalid: '&6No players found within &e<range> blocks:'
playtime-self: You have played for <days> Days <hours> Hours <minutes> Minutes <seconds>
playtime-target: <target> has played for <days> Days <hours> Hours <minutes> Minutes
  <seconds> Seconds
rename-invalid-item: Please hold a valid item to rename
rename-reset-invalid-item: Please hold a valid item to clear the name
rename-successful: Successfully set item name as <name>
rename-reset-successful: Successfully reset item name
repair-durability-max: Durability is max
repair-successful: <item> has been repaired
repair-invalid-item: You cannot repair that item
repair-all-items: Repaired all item(s)
report-self: You cannot report yourself
report-successful: Report sent successfully
report-user-message: |-
  &b--------- &cNEW REPORT &b---------
  &cReporter &7>> &f<player>
  &cReported User &7>> &f<target>
  &cReason &7>> &f<message>
report-bug-message: |-
  &b--------- &cBUG REPORT &b---------
  &cReporter &7>> &f<player>
  &cBug &7>> &f<message>
newbies-spawn-deletion-success: Newbie Spawn Deleted
spawn-deletion-success: Spawn Deleted
spawn-not-found: Spawn doesn't exist
spawn-world-invalid: World isn't loaded!
newbies-spawn-set-successful: Successfully set newbie spawn location in <world>
spawn-set-successful: Successfully set spawn location in <world>
newbies-spawn-successful: Successfully teleported to Newbies Spawn
spawn-successful: Successfully teleported to Spawn
newbies-spawn-wait-message: Teleporting to Newbies Spawn in <time> Seconds
spawn-wait-message: Teleporting to Spawn in <time> Seconds
newbies-spawn-teleport-target: You have teleported <target> to Newbies Spawn
newbies-spawn-teleport-target-success: You have been teleported to Newbies Spawn
spawn-teleport-target: You have teleported <target> to Spawn
spawn-teleport-target-success: You have been teleported to Spawn
newbies-spawn-invalid: Newbies Spawn hasn't been set
spawn-invalid: Spawn hasn't been set
spawn-movement-cancel: Teleportation to Spawn cancelled due to Movement
warp-deletion-success: Warp <warp> has been successfully deleted
warp-not-found: Warp <warp> doesn't exist
warp-set-successful: Successfully set Warp location
warp-set-block-successful: Successfully set <warp> Warp to <block>
warp-block-invalid: You cannot set Warp Block as <item>
warp-blacklisted-world: You cannot set a Warp in a Blacklisted World
warp-world-invalid: World isn't loaded!
warp-subtitle: Warped to <warp>
warp-message: Successfully warped to <warp>
warp-wait-message: Warping to <warp> in <time> Seconds
warp-gui-name: Warp GUI
delete-warp-gui-name: Delete Warp &6<warp>?
warp-gui-left-click: Click to teleport to <warp>
warp-gui-right-click: Right click to Delete Warp
warp-gui-invalid: GUI Size is too small, increase the value in Config
warp-file-error: warp.yml file is empty or null
warp-movement-cancel: Warping cancelled due to Movement
no-warps-set: No Warps have been set
sendwarp-target: Successfully warped to <warp>
sendwarp-player: Successfully sent <target> to <warp>
silentjoin-enabled: SilentJoin has been Enabled
silentjoin-disabled: SilentJoin has been Disabled
socialspy-enabled: SocialSpy has been Enabled
socialspy-disabled: SocialSpy has been Disabled
socialspy-message: '&c[SocialSpy] &f<sender> &6>> &f<target> &7: <message>'
jump-message: '&6You have been teleported to the block you''re looking at!'
jump-error-message: '&6No block in sight or too far away!'
jumpboost-message: '&6Bounce like a Bunny!'
jumpboost-remove-message: '&6You can &cno longer &6Bounce like a Bunny'
thor-message: '&6You have been &cstruck &6by lightning'
thor-location: '&6Striked lightning at location'
thor-invalid: '&6Location is too far away'
speed-invalid-number: Please provide a speed from 1-10
speed-fly-success: Flying speed is now <speed>
speed-walk-success: Walking speed is now <speed>
speed-reset-success: Fly and Walk Speed is now reset
speed-reset-fly-success: Fly Speed is now reset
speed-reset-walk-success: Walk Speed is now reset
speed-fly-success-target: Set flying speed to <speed> for <target>
speed-walk-success-target: Set walking speed to <speed> for <target>
speed-reset-success-target: Successfully reset Fly and Walk Speed for <target>
staffchat-enabled: StaffChat has been Enabled
staffchat-disabled: StaffChat has been Disabled
staffchat-message: '&d(&5&lStaff&d) <player>: &7<message>'
staffchat-discord-message: '&b&lDiscord &f» &d(&5&lStaff&d) <player>&7: &f<message>'
teleport-self: You cannot teleport to yourself
teleport-success: Teleported to <target>
teleport-target-success: <sender> has teleported to you
teleport-target-offline-success: Teleported to <target>'s Logout Location
teleport-target-to-self: You cannot teleport someone to themself
teleport-others: Teleported <target> to <target2>
teleport-force-target: You have been teleported to <target>
teleport-no-players-online: No other players are online right now
teleport-all-message: Teleported <amount> player(s) to you
teleport-pos-success: Teleported to chosen coordinates
teleport-pos-invalid: Please enter valid coordinates...
teleport-pos-target-success: You have been teleported
teleport-pos-target-message: Teleported <target> to chosen coordinates
teleport-request-blacklisted-world: Target is in a Blacklisted World
teleport-request-sent: You sent a teleport request to <target>
teleport-request-cancel-warning: To cancel this request, type /tpacancel
teleport-request-cancel-button: '&e&l&n[Cancel]&r'
teleport-request-target-receive: <sender> sent a teleport request to you
teleport-request-accept: To accept, type /tpaccept
teleport-request-deny: To deny, type /tpdeny
teleport-request-accept-button: '&a&l&n[Accept]&r'
teleport-request-deny-button: '&c&l&n[Deny]&r'
teleport-request-timeout-warning: This request will timeout in <time> Seconds
teleport-request-timeout: Teleport request timed out
teleport-disabled: That player has teleporting disabled
teleport-here-blacklisted-world: Cannot send Teleport Here Request because you are
  in a Blacklisted World
teleport-here-request-sent: You sent a teleport here request to <target>
teleport-here-request-cancel-warning: To cancel this request, type /tpacancel
teleport-here-request-cancel-button: '&e&l&n[Cancel]&r'
teleport-here-request-target-receive: <sender> would like you to teleport to them
teleport-here-request-accept: To accept, type /tpaccept
teleport-here-request-deny: To deny, type /tpdeny
teleport-here-request-accept-button: '&a&l&n[Accept]&r'
teleport-here-request-deny-button: '&c&l&n[Deny]&r'
teleport-here-request-timeout-warning: This request will timeout in <time> Seconds
teleport-here-request-timeout: Teleport here request timed out
teleport-cancel: You have cancelled all outgoing Teleport Requests
teleport-no-request: There's no request to cancel
teleport-no-request-accept: There's no request to accept
teleport-no-request-deny: There's no request to deny
teleport-accept-request: <sender> has accepted the teleport request
teleport-deny-request: <sender> has denied the teleport request
teleport-accept-request-target: Successfully accepted <target>(s) Teleport Request
teleport-deny-request-target: Successfully denied <target>(s) Teleport Request
teleport-wait-message: Teleporting to <player> in <time> Seconds
teleport-toggle-enabled: Teleport Requests have been Disabled
teleport-toggle-disabled: Teleport Requests have been Enabled
teleport-movement-cancel: Teleportation cancelled due to Movement
time-message: '&6Current Time in &c<world> &6is: &c<24time> &6or &c<12time> &6or &c<time>
time-set: '&6Time set to &c<time> ticks &6in: &c<world>'
time-sunrise: '&6Time set to &cSunrise &6in: &c<world>'
time-day: '&6Time set to &cDay &6in: &c<world>'
time-sunset: '&6Time set to &cSunset &6in: &c<world>'
time-night: '&6Time set to &cNight &6in: &c<world>'
time-midnight: '&6Time set to &cMidnight &6in: &c<world>'
weather-sun: '&6Weather set to &cSun &6in: &c<world>'
weather-storm: '&6Weather set to &cStorm &6in: &c<world>'
weather-thunder: '&6Weather set to &cThunder &6in: &c<world>'
weather-rain: '&6Weather set to &cRain &6in: &c<world>'
trash-gui-name: Trash Chute
vanish-enabled: You are now invisible!
vanish-disabled: You are now visible to other players on the server
vanish-target-enabled: <target> is now invisible
vanish-target-disabled: <target> is now visible
convert-successful: Successfully converted <amount> <item> into <total> <block>
convert-unsuccessful: You do not have enough <item> to convert
convert-invalid: You cannot convert <item>
seen-online: |-
  &6Player &e<player> &6has been &aonline &6for &c<time>.
  &6- UUID: &f<uuid>
seen-offline: |-
  &6Player &e<player> &6was last seen &c<time> &6ago.
  &6- UUID: &f<uuid>
seen-invalid: '&6Player &e<player> &6has no available data.'
sudo-successful: Successfully ran command <command> for <target>
sudo-command-invalid: Command <command> doesn't exist.
ping-self: 'Ping: <ping>'
ping-target: '<target>''s Ping: <ping>'
placeholder_afk_isenabled_yes: 'yes'
placeholder_afk_isenabled_no: 'no'
placeholder_freeze_isenabled_yes: 'yes'
placeholder_freeze_isenabled_no: 'no'
placeholder_godmode_isenabled_yes: 'yes'
placeholder_godmode_isenabled_no: 'no'
placeholder_vanish_isenabled_yes: 'yes'
placeholder_vanish_isenabled_no: 'no'
placeholder_fly_isenabled_yes: 'yes'
placeholder_fly_isenabled_no: 'no'
placeholder_msgtoggle_isenabled_yes: 'yes'
placeholder_msgtoggle_isenabled_no: 'no'
placeholder_tptoggle_isenabled_yes: 'yes'
placeholder_tptoggle_isenabled_no: 'no'
world-success: '&6Teleported to World &c<world>'
world-invalid: '&6World &c<world> &6isn''t loaded!'
Data Collection:
This plugin uses bStats to collect some statistics about usage of the plugin and sends them to This can be disabled by changing 'stats' in the directory 'bStats/config.yml' to false. The statistics sent include Version Demographics, Server/Player Statistics, Server Location, Operating System etc. The stats available to the public are Version Demographics, Server Location, Rank, Java Version and Global Statistics. These are viewable at Essentials/9633.
This plugin supports full PlaceholderAPI support which means in every customisable message you can use placeholders to replace text or add on to text in anyway you wish!
We also (in the future) plan to add custom Placeholders too!
Support Discord:
Join the Support Discord here!
Featured Videos:
If you want to feature your Tutorial please DM me!
If you like the plugin, don't forget give it a rating. Every rating is much appreciated and extremely helpful to the longevity of the plugin's production development.