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We Have Moved
Pl3xSigns is being updated and maintained for 1.8+ over at from now on. This page will be left in-tact for legacy reasons (1.7.10 and below).
New Pl3xSigns project for MC 1.8+
Pl3xSigns allows users to easily edit signs without having to break them and replace them down. There are currently two options for editing, either by command or by clicking with sign in hand. Using the command you can edit one line on the sign easily and quickly. If you right click the sign while holding a sign the sign editor window will pop up again and you can edit the sign text. Both methods come with their own perm nodes.
To place a sign on a sign without triggering the sign editor just crouch (hold shift) and right click with sign.
Right click editing a sign is ONLY available when you have ProtocolLib installed on your server! It is not required, but the main feature of this plugin will be disabled without it. BKCommonLib is no longer required starting with v1.2!
Pl3xSigns also honors LWC sign protections if it is installed.
This plugin also opens up the ability to use all style and color codes on signs, including random (&k)! There is a perm node for this feature in case you don't want your users to have it.
Enjoy! ^_^
- /signedit [line] (text) Edits a line on a sign (blank text will erase the line)
- pl3xsigns.command.signedit Allows access to use the /signedit command
- Allows access to right click signs while holding a sign to edit them
- pl3xsigns.signs.color Allows access to use style and color codes on signs
nothing at the moment
Message in console "Player tried to edit an uneditable sign" or something of that sort is not an error message. It's just a minor bug. The plugin will still function perfectly.