Pl3xMOTD is a simple and small plugin that allows administrators to change their server's MOTD message and server-icon on the server list without restarting the server.
Fully Supports: color codes, multiple lines (in CB1.7.2+), random messages, random icons, and variables! Theres even an added color code to get a random color! Just use &x for a random color per motd ping.
Enjoy! ^_^
Custom server-icon.png
To use the custom server-icon feature you must create a new directory at "/plugins/Pl3xMOTD/server-icon/" and place your PNG file(s) here for the plugin to automatically use them. If more than one PNG file is in this directory one will be picked at random each time the server is pinged. The PNG files can be named anything and are not restricted to the "server-icon.png" file-name format.
Please be sure to use the correct standards for your PNG images (64x64 PNG). I have not tested non-standard images, but I'd assume only the top 64x64 portion of the PNG will be shown and anything not a PNG will not load at all.
To disable the server-icon feature just delete or rename "/plugins/Pl3xMOTD/server-icon/" and the default server-icon.png in the root directory will be used like normal.
You can use any of the following variables in your MOTD messages:
- {playerip} shows the player's IP address
- {playeruuid} shows the player's UUID
- {playername} shows the player's last known name
- {playerdisplayname} shows the player's last known display name (this will be just name if no display name was set)
- {version} shows the server version number
- {lastplayername} shows the name of the last player to join the server (displays "n/a" if no last player this boot)
- {lastplayerdisplayname} shows the display name of the last player to join the server
- {lastplayeruuid} shows the uuid of the last player to join the server
Default config.yml
Version 2.0
1 2 3 4 5 | # Enable debug info in console debug-mode: false # Enable colors in console output color-logs: true |
Default motds.yml
Version 2.0
1 2 3 4 | motds: - '&c{playername}, join us!\n&6We have cookies! &e:O' - '&eUUID&7: &b{playeruuid}\n&eServer Version&7: &b{version}' - '&bDisplayName&e: &7{playerdisplayname} &bName&e: &7{playername}\n&bIP&e: &7{playerip}' |
- /pl3xmotd (reload) View plugin version and/or reload config.yml from disk (Aliases: changemotd, servermotd, motd)
- /pl3xmotd (set) Replace all MOTD messages with a new one
- /pl3xmotd (add) Add a new MOTD to the current list
- /pl3xmotd (remove) Remove a MOTD from the list (you must type it exactly as it is in the motds.yml file)
- /pl3xmotd (clear) Clears all MOTDs from the file and reverts back to using the server.properties MOTD
- pl3xmotd.command.pl3xmotd Allows access to the /pl3xmotd command
Multiple MOTDs cycled through randomlyAdded in v1.2Add ability to change the server-icon.png on the flyAdded in v1.3Add "motd" as a short aliasAdded in v1.3Add support for player names in MOTDAdded in v2.0Add commands to set MOTD in-gameAdded in v2.0
Suggestions? Leave a comment!
This plugin uses metrics to collect stats! It only collect basic things such as version type, and players online. If you want to see everything, click on the graph. Go into /plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml to disable stat collecting if you wish.