Easily and safely convert your experience into cash, and vice versa! It's a great addition to any economy based server!
Vault is a required dependency, along with any vault-compatible economy plugin.
This plugin utilizes an advanced experience utility that many top developers collaborated together on and has had years of solid testing so you can rest assured the conversions are indeed safer than any other conversion plugin.
The conversion rate is easily configurable in config.yml (as seen below).
- /cash2exp [amount] Convert money into exp (aliases: c2e, cash2xp, buyxp)
- /exp2cash [amount] Convert exp into money (aliases: e2c, xp2cash, sellxp)
- /expbalance View current total amount of exp (aliases: eb, ebal, expbal, xpbal, xpbalance, totalxp, totalexp)
- /pl3xexp (reload) View plugin version and/or reload config (aliases: pexp, exp, xp)
- command.cash2exp Allows player to convert money into exp
- command.exp2cash Allows player to convert exp into money
- command.expbalance Allows player to view current exp total
- command.pl3xexp Allows player to view plugin version and reload config
Default config.yml
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | # Show colors in console output (and log files) color-logs: true # Debug output to console (and log files) debug-mode: false # Language file (for translations) language-file: lang-en.yml # The amount each exp point costs/pays in money exp-cost: 1.0 |
- none
Suggestions? Leave a comment!
This plugin uses metrics to collect stats! It only collect basic things such as version type, and players online. If you want to see everything, click on the graph. Go into /plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml to disable stat collecting if you wish.
Source Code
Source code can be found on my BitBucket page: https://bitbucket.org/BillyGalbreath/pl3xexp-bukkit