Pl3xConsoleFilter will start downloading in 5 seconds...
This simple little plugin will filter your console's log and output from saying "[INFO] Connection reset" that seems to spam my server every 30-60 seconds. No one is really sure why this spams to console, but I know it started happening when I added my server to a dozen or more server listing sites. I think its the ping these sites do to my server to get the stats.
Instead of blocking the ping, which could result in the server listings not getting any data, I just built this simple plugin to filter the spam from my console.
IMPORTANT! If you are upgrading from v1.3 or earlier you MUST delete your old config.yml for the plugin to work
Update: Now has the ability to add your own messages to the filter list! Just crack open the config.yml and add/change what you want. It's pretty self explanatory. If you have any questions, just comment here and I'll answer them.
Here is a list of all the string comparators that can work in the config.yml:
- equals (v1.1)
- equalsignorecase (v1.2)
- contains (v1.1)
- endswith (v1.2)
- startswith (v1.2)
- matches (v1.2: This is for regular expressions)
Enjoy! ^_^
This starts with v1.2
- /pl3xconsolefilter (reload) View the plugin version or reload the config from disk. Aliases: /consolefilter, /cf, /pcf
This starts with v1.2
- pl3xconsolefilter.pl3xconsolefilter Allows access to the pl3xconsolefilter command
Default Config.yml
Version 1.4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | filters: INFO: equals: - Connection reset contains: - 'lost connection: disconnect.quitting' - '[Metrics] Server returned HTTP response code: 502 for URL:' |
Have a suggestion? Leave a comment!
This plugin uses metrics to collect stats! It only collect basic things such as version type, and players online. If you want to see everything, click on the graph. Go into /plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml to disable stat collecting if you wish.