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This plugin allows you to set different spawns for different players. Allows multiple random spawns per player. Some usages can be players choosing what spawn they want to go to, allowing a special spawn for VIPs, or instead of banning a player, stick them in a cell. Infinite possibilities, infinite spawns!
- /spawn [name] [user] - teleport yourself to a random spawn that you are allowed to go to
- /setspawn [name] - set a spawn location to where you are standing
- /listspawns - list all spawns and their locations
- /removespawn - remove a spawn
- multispawn.spawn.SPAWNNAMEHERE - allows player to spawn at that spawn
- multispawn.noteleport - players don't teleport when they join
- multispawn.bycommand - allows usage of /spawn
- multispawn.bycommand.SPAWNNAME - allows use of /spawn SPAWNNAME
- multispawn.removespawn - allows usage of /removespawn
- multispawn.others - allows you to teleport others to spawn
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