Kachigga will start downloading in 5 seconds...
When a player joins the server with the proper perm node, the thunder sound is played on the entire server to notify everyone of their arrival.
This is a very simple plugin I am getting my kids to write with me as I help teach them Java.
- /kachigga (reload) View plugin version, or reload config.yml
- kachigga.onjoin Players with this perm node will trigger thunder sound when they join the server.
- kachigga.command.kachigga Allows access to the /kachigga command
Default config.yml
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | # Enable debug info in console debug-mode: false # Enable colors in console output color-logs: true # Customized join message for kachigga players custom-join-kachigga: '&e{player} says the forcast is 100% chance of thunder! Kachigga!' # The regular join message for non-kachigga players custom-join-regular: '&e{player} joined the game.' |
- none
Suggestions? Leave a comment!
This plugin uses metrics to collect stats! It only collect basic things such as version type, and players online. If you want to see everything, click on the graph. Go into /plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml to disable stat collecting if you wish.
Development Builds
Source Code
Source code can be found on my BitBucket page: https://bitbucket.org/BillyGalbreath/kachigga