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Tested Minecraft Versions:     1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20, 1.21.1
Languages Supported:             Spanish, French, Dutch, Russian, Chinese, Polish, Portuguese, Italian
Donation Link:                  
Patreon Link:                    
Platforms:                                    Spigot, Bukkit, Paper, Purpur, Folia

Having issues with ItemJoin?
Please see Troubleshooting to resolve your problem.
This plugin grants the ability to give highly custom items to players upon join, respawn, world-switch, region-enter, region-exit, first-join, and first-world. This is a multi-purpose plugin for giving items to players on a hub server, minigame servers, or even competitive servers such as survival, factions, skyblock and other alternative game settings. You can set up an infinite amount of items for any specific world(s) you define. Players can be given the item every time upon joining or limit them to a set amount so they do not have any duplicate items. There are so many possibilities and limitless features but only if you want that ability. If there is a feature you are looking for it is likely to have already been implemented.
This plugin can be used with Chest CommandsBossShopDeluxeMenu's, or even CustomGUI which will allow the creation of menus made of items which ItemJoin could have an item with a command bound to open these menus or to execute commands on a compass to warp players to specific locations. There are no specific restrictions for how ItemJoin can interact with other plugins, as long as the plugin of interest has commands to execute their objectives such as /menu, then ItemJoin can utilize that as an ItemCommand.
This plugin is unique for its high functionality and hyperactive developer, if there is a feature that is missing or a new bug in the latest update it will be resolved swiftly. Out of the very few similar category plugins that give items, this is currently the only plugin out there that gives the player an item of their choice in a specific world, so players do not carry items to a black-listed world. If the world is not defined under the custom item players will not be given that item in the unspecified world although, items will transfer worlds unless it has been restricted, clear on world-switch or use a multi-inventory plugin. ItemJoin is always expanding and adding new quality of life features, other plugins are either out of date, inactive developer, missing features, or limiting items to a specific world is broken! ItemJoin was built on the idea of resolving these problems, to become the ultimate custom items on join plugin!
  • Individual items can be defined with specific itemflags which give the item special utilizations and modified values.
  • Each item can be set with specific trigger events called triggers which will determine when the item will be given.
  • Items can be specified with their own specific ItemCommands which can be executed as an instance console, player, server, message and more available in the wiki.
  • ItemCommands can be executed with certain actions if defined, multi-click, left/right-click, physical, and/or inventory click, which will allow the user to define different commands for each action.
  • Executed commands can be charged an economical cost and put on a custom cooldown with custom sounds and particles.
  • Set custom skull textures and skull owners to player head items.
  • Supports custom features for player heads, tipped arrows, books, banners, fireworks, leather armor, map items, and more.
  • Every item slot is supported, including armor slots and crafting slots.
  • Restrict certain items to a player's ip-address, reducing the chances of item abuse.
  • Give vanilla unmodified items as well as vanilla items which have the functionality of some defined features.
  • Dynamically updates items when a placeholder is changed.
  • Toggle blocking ALL item movement or ALL item pickups in specific worlds.
  • Items can be limited to specific gamemodes.
  • Specify custom item-usage cooldowns for items that have interaction events such as ender pearls or even food items.
  • Items can be given a probability of players receiving an item, a random chance.
  • General commands can be executed upon join, first-join, and world-switch.
  • Custom enchants and unsafe levels.
  • Toggle between clearing ALL or only ItemJoin items upon join or world-switch.
  • Toggle overwriting existing items in player's inventories.
  • Supports PlaceholderAPI, see the valid placeholders.
The number of features is limitless and its thanks to all of you supporting this plugin and the developer.
Commands -- You can either use /ItemJoin or /IJ to execute a command.

      description: Shows the plugin information, specific version, and author including a redirect
      to the help menu.
      permission: itemjoin.use
      aliases: [ij]
      usage: |
          Example: /itemjoin
   itemjoin help:
      description: Displays a page of the available help menu showing the available commands.
      permission: itemjoin.use
      usage: |
          /itemjoin help
          Example: /itemjoin help
          Example: /itemjoin help 2
          Example: /itemjoin help 3
          Example: /itemjoin help 4
          Example: /itemjoin help 5
          Example: /itemjoin help 6
          Example: /itemjoin help 7
          Example: /itemjoin help 8
          Example: /itemjoin help 9
   itemjoin reload:
      description: Reloads all plugin configuration files and caches any new data.
      permission: itemjoin.reload
      usage: |
          /itemjoin reload
          Example: /itemjoin reload - Configuration(s) Reloaded!
   itemjoin menu:
      description: Opens a GUI Menu to allow the view, modification, and creation of all custom items.
      usage: |
          /itemjoin menu
          Example: /itemjoin menu - The creator menu has been launched!
   itemjoin info:
      description: Displays any needed information for the item you are holding, such as material type
      and in legacy versions the data-value.
      permission: itemjoin.use
      usage: |
          /itemjoin info
          Example: /itemjoin info - The item type is WOODEN_SWORD.
   itemjoin world:
      description: Shows you what world you are in, useful for debugging purposes.
      permission: itemjoin.use
      usage: |
          /itemjoin world
          Example: /itemjoin world - You are in the world Pandora_the_end.
   itemjoin list:
      description: Shows you what items are defined and their respective enabled worlds.
      permission: itemjoin.list
      usage: |
          /itemjoin list
          Example: /itemjoin list - Current defines items are map-item, ultra-item.
   itemjoin updates:
      description: Checks for any available updates for the plugin.
      permission: itemjoin.updates
      usage: |
          /itemjoin updates
          Example: /itemjoin updates - You have requested to check for available plugin updates!
   itemjoin upgrade:
      description: Forces the plugin to update to the latest version if a new version is found,
      a server restart will be required for changes to take effect.
      permission: itemjoin.upgrade
      usage: |
          /itemjoin upgrade
          Example: /itemjoin upgrade- You have requested to force update the plugin.
   itemjoin permissions:
      description: Displays a page of every permission node showing which permissions are
      enabled/disabled for the player, including custom item nodes.
      permission: itemjoin.permissions
      usage: |
          /itemjoin permissions
          Example: /itemjoin permissions - You have the permissions itemjoin.reload.
          Example: /itemjoin permissions 2 - You have the permissions ultra-item.
   itemjoin get:
      description: Gives the specified custom item and the amount you specified to the player's inventory.
      permission: itemjoin.get, itemjoin.get.others
      usage: |
          /itemjoin get
          Example: /itemjoin get Ultra - You have received the item [Ultra]!
          Example: /itemjoin get Ultra 12 - You have received 12x of the item [Ultra]!
          Example: /itemjoin get Ultra RockinChaos - You have given the item [Ultra] to RockinChaos!
          Example: /itemjoin get Ultra RockinChaos 8 - You have given 8x of the item [Ultra] to                    RockinChaos!
   itemjoin getOnline:
      description: Gives the specified custom item and the amount to all online players.
      permission: itemjoin.get.others
      usage: |
          /itemjoin getOnline
          Example: /itemjoin getOnline Ultra - You have given the item [Ultra] to RockinChaos!
          Example: /itemjoin getOnline Ultra 8 - You have given 8x of the item [Ultra] to RockinChaos!
   itemjoin getall:
      description: Gives all custom items to the specified player.
      permission: itemjoin.get, itemjoin.get.others
      usage: |
          /itemjoin getall
          Example: /itemjoin getall - You have received all of the ItemJoin items.
          Example: /itemjoin getall RockinChaos - You have given RockinChaos all of the
          ItemJoin items that are available.
   itemjoin remove:
      description: Removes the specified custom item and the amount you specified from the player's inventory.
      permission: itemjoin.remove, itemjoin.remove.others
      usage: |
          /itemjoin remove
          Example: /itemjoin remove Ultra - You have removed the item [Ultra]!
          Example: /itemjoin remove Ultra 12 - You have removed 12x of the item [Ultra]!
          Example: /itemjoin remove Ultra RockinChaos - You have removed the item [Ultra] to                  RockinChaos!
          Example: /itemjoin remove Ultra RockinChaos 8 - You have removed 8x of the item                        [Ultra] to RockinChaos!
   itemjoin removeOnline:
      description: Removes the specified custom item and the amount from all online players.
      permission: itemjoin.remove.others
      usage: |
          /itemjoin removeOnline
          Example: /itemjoin removeOnline Ultra - You have removed the item [Ultra] from                          RockinChaos!
          Example: /itemjoin removeOnline Ultra 8 - You have removed 8x of the item [Ultra] from            RockinChaos!
   itemjoin removeall:
      description: Removes all custom items from the specified player.
      permission: itemjoin.remove, itemjoin.remove.others
      usage: |
          /itemjoin removeall
          Example: /itemjoin removeall - You have removed all of the ItemJoin items from your                  inventory.
          Example: /itemjoin removeall RockinChaos - You have removed all of the ItemJoin items              from RockinChaos.
   itemjoin enable:
      description: Enables the use of custom items for all players or specified player globally
      or specified player and world.
      permission: itemjoin.enable, itemjoin.enable.others
      usage: |
          /itemjoin enable
          Example: /itemjoin enable - You have globally enabled custom items.
          Example: /itemjoin enable RockinChaos - You have enabled custom items for                                  RockinChaos!
          Example: /itemjoin enable RockinChaos world_the_end - You have enabled custom items            for RockinChaos in the world world_the_end!
   itemjoin disable:
      description: Disables the use of custom items for all players or specified player globally
      or specified player and world.
      permission: itemjoin.disable, itemjoin.disable.others
      usage: |
          /itemjoin disable
          Example: /itemjoin disable - You have globally disabled custom items.
          Example: /itemjoin disable RockinChaos - You have disabled custom items for                                RockinChaos!
          Example: /itemjoin disable RockinChaos world_the_end - You have disabled custom                      items for RockinChaos in the world world_the_end!
   itemjoin purge:
      description: Purges ALL data or the specified data from the database file for ALL players
      or the specified player.
      permission: itemjoin.purge
      usage: |
          /itemjoin purge
          Example: /itemjoin purge - You have purged ALL data from the database file!
          Example: /itemjoin purge first-join - You have purged ALL first-join data from the                          database file!
          Example: /itemjoin purge first-world - You have purged ALL first-world data from the                    database file!
          Example: /itemjoin purge ip-limits - You have purged ALL ip-limit data from the database            file!
          Example: /itemjoin purge first-join RockinChaos - You have purged ALL first-join data of              RockinChaos from the database file!
          Example: /itemjoin purge first-world RockinChaos - You have purged ALL first-world data            of RockinChaos from the database file!
          Example: /itemjoin purge ip-limits RockinChaos - You have purged ALL ip-limit data of                  RockinChaos from the database file!



Permissions -- Permissions are case sensitive, including the world names!ā€‹

      description: Grants access to all aspects of the plugin, including every permission node.
      default: false
          itemjoin.all: true
      description: Grants access to all aspects of the plugin, including every permission node.
      default: false
          itemjoin.use: true
          itemjoin.reload: true
          itemjoin.updates: true
          itemjoin.upgrade: true
          itemjoin.permissions: true
          itemjoin.list: true
          itemjoin.purge: true
          itemjoin.get: true
          itemjoin.get.others: true
          itemjoin.remove: true
          itemjoin.remove.others: true
          itemjoin.enable: true
          itemjoin.enable.others: true
          itemjoin.disable: true
          itemjoin.disable.others: true
          itemjoin.bypass.inventorymodify: false
      description: Grants access to basic plugin commands.
      default: true
      description: Grants access to the menu command.
      default: false
      description: Grants access to the reload command.
      default: false
      description: Grants access to the updates command.
      default: false
      description: Grants access to the upgrade command.
      default: false
      description: Grants access to the permissions command
      default: true
      description: Grants access to the list command.
      default: false
      description: Grants access to the purge command.
      default: false
      description: Grants access to the basic get commands.
      default: false
      description: Grants access to all get commands that could affect other players.
      default: false
      description: Grants access to the basic remove commands.
      default: false
      description: Grants access to all remove commands that could affect other players.
      default: false
      description: Grants access to the basic enable command.
      default: false
      description: Grants access to all enable commands that could affect other players individually.
      default: false
      description: Grants access to the basic disable command.
      default: false
      description: Grants access to all disable commands that could affect other players individually.
      default: false
      description: Players with this permission will bypass any item movement restrictions.
      default: false



Item Permissions -- These are the permission(s) required for players who are not a server administrator to receive the item(s).

description: Gives permission to get a specific item in a specific world.
    Replace Item_Name with the name of the specified item (in the items.yml)
    and Your_Specified_World_Name_Here with the name of the world to receive that item.
default: false

description: Gives permission to get all items from the specified world.
    Replace Your_Specified_World_Name_Here with the name of the world to receive that item.
default: false
(I recommend itemjoin.Your_Specified_World_Name_Here.* as it would be easier unless you are trying to create permission group specific items)
Remember to replace Your_Specified_World_Name_Here with your world's name. If you need to see what world you want the items in, simply stand in the world and type /itemjoin world this will tell you the world name you are in that you want to put in the permission node.
The other option is to add a permission node for each specific item you have created. You can use these interchangeably such as adding a custom permission node to one item and using the default permission nodes listed above for items without a dedicated permission node.
Simply add the following to your item and replace specialty with your desired text. You can change the permission node to whatever you want such as ''. I simply chose to use ItemJoin as the beginning string of the custom permission node. Make sure add the custom permissions you create to a permissions plugin afterward.
Add this to your item; permission-node: 'itemjoin.specialty'
Here is an example of an item utilizing the custom permission node utility;
    slot: 0
    permission-node: 'itemjoin.specialty'
If you want more detailed, better-explained commands and permissions they can be found on the wiki.


English Tutorial(s)









Italian Tutorial(s)

Does ItemJoin have its own Custom API?
  • Yes, ItemJoin does in-fact allow other plugins to hook into it if needed. All API options are located under me.RockinChaos.itemjoin.api.ItemJoinAPI.
  • You can see all available methods here; Available Methods.
  • If you wish to see a method added feel free to submit a request on GitHub!
Does ItemJoin support placeholders?
  • Yes, ItemJoin has few placeholders by default but you can hook ItemJoin with PlaceholderAPI for ultimate placeholders! Just set PlaceholderAPI to true in the config.yml
Does ItemJoin support multiple worlds?
  • Yes, ItemJoin gives items to each specified world in the items.yml. Any worlds not defined in the items.yml will not receive items.
  • You can also have ItemJoin hook into Multiverse-Core & Multiverse-Inventories so you can have different items per world without clearing the player's inventory when they switch worlds. Just set Multiverse-core and Multiverse-Inventories to true in the config.yml.
Can I get items on first-join only?
  • Yes, ItemJoin has extreme compatibility with first join mode. All you have to do is simply add the first-join itemflag to each item in the items.yml to get that item on first join only. You can make it so only a set of items are given on first-join and others are given every time, or simply just make it so all items on first-join. If you want to receive the item every time you join again, just simply remove the first-join itemflag from the item.
Can I limit items to specific players ip-address?
  • Yes, ItemJoin has extreme compatibility with ip limit mode. All you have to do is simply add the ip-limit itemflag to each item in the items.yml to limit those items to the specific players ip. You can make it so only a set of items are given in an ip-limit and others are given regardless of the ip-address, or simply just make it so all items in an ip-limit. You can also specify the first-join itemflag to work alongside the ip-limit itemflag to limit items ip-address as well as give them upon first joining only.
Does ItemJoin have any dependencies?
  • ItemJoin has ZERO required dependencies but there are some optional ones that can make your experience much better!
  • You can learn more about these API / Hooks on the wiki page.
    • Vault - You can hook into Vault to use your economy on ItemJoin's commands!
    • PlaceholderAPI - You can use all of these placeholders on any part of ItemJoin! Whether its commands, name, lore, skull-owner, book-lore, authors, etc! All parts of ItemJoin are hooked into PlaceholderAPI.
    • Multiverse-Core - Only used for Multiverse-Inventories as ItemJoin already has multi-world support without this.
    • MyWorlds - Allows easy multi-world support.
    • Multiverse-Inventories - Easily set world inventories using ItemJoin. You can make it so you get the items on join and world change without clearing the player's inventory! Very helpful with ItemJoin inventory management.
    • xInventories - Easily set world inventories using ItemJoin. You can make it so you get the items on join and world change without clearing the player's inventory! Very helpful with ItemJoin inventory management.
    • PerWorldInventory - Easily set world inventories using ItemJoin. You can make it so you get the items on join and world change without clearing the player's inventory! Very helpful with ItemJoin inventory management. I have recently seen this plugin start to pop up everywhere and it seems like an amazing alternative to Multiverse-Inventories.
    • PerWorldPlugins - As it is not recommended since ItemJoin is disabled in any world that is not defined under world-list but, ItemJoin does support PerWorldPlugins if you happen to have it running on your server for some reason and ItemJoin will be disabled in worlds that are not allowed by PerWorldPlugins.
    • AuthMe - Items will be given after the player types the login command and fully registers to AuthMe.
    • WorldGuard - Items will be given after the player enters the specified region defined under each item, upon leaving the region the items will be revoked. This allows the creation of region only items and can only be used in the specified regions unless defined otherwise.
    • TokenEnchant - Items will now be able to be given specific TokenEnchantments when receiving them.
    • BetterNick - If items for some reason end up breaking and you use this plugin, setting this to true could resolve issues with items not working properly. This allows ItemJoin to easily find your original player name and UUID if you are nicknamed using BetterNick.
    • HeadDatabase - Items can now hook into HeadDatabase and fetch player heads from there using <hdb-head id>.
More Information on ItemJoin can be found here;
A massive thanks to those who have donated to help support the plugin's development. It is not the amount donated that matters, it is the fact that these supporters donated to support what they love. Even the smallest donation means so much because it grants the feeling that I have created something that is wanted. Every donation inspires and gives me the motivation to keep this plugin alive and thriving. 
<Awesome Crafters>
    TheRobLP              =>         $139.87USD
    momoservertw    =>         $116.00USD
    Terbin                     =>         $20.00USD
    Siuan                      =>         $20.00USD
    JackScurvy             =>         $10.00USD
    Malum                   =>         $10.00USD
    MrPranklez           =>         $10.00USD
    Jaocb                      =>         $5.00USD
    Kubson_19            =>         $5.00USD
    Graatvis                 =>         $3.00USD
    TheColdEmerald  =>         $1.00USD
    Vxrrxckter             =>         $1.00USD
    CloneMC                =>         $0.55USD
    Slimedog               =>         $UNKUSD
    piggalotgaming   =>         $UNKUSD
    XYBlue                   =>         $UNKUSD
    Moemilords          =>         $UNKUSD
    Askarion                =>         $UNKUSD
</Awesome Crafters>
Supporters who are listed with an UNK value are those who I am unable to calculate the amount donated. If you are of these supporters and know the amount you contributed, please contact me and I will fill in the proper value. If you wish to be apart of these amazing supporters, consider donating as it is the best way to say thanks to the developer!
ā˜… Requested Changes ā˜…
Please Pm me with feature requests! I will always look them over and get back to you.
Crossed Out requests means that they have been completed.
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