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- Bukkit Plugins
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Horses is a Virtual Stable Management system which allows players to buy, store and summon horses. Horses will provide you, the server owner, the ability to create a mmorpg style mount and stable system.Features:
- Yaml or MySQL Data storage
- Powerful configuration system. Setup special configs for different worlds/permissions
- Buy horses via a command
- Customisable starting HP per Horse type
- Keep your horses safe from other players
- Rename your horses (With colours!!)
- Swap out your horse for another in your virtual stable
- Anti-grief protection for players horse
- Collect and store horses in your virtual stable
- Horses can be bought by breed type
- Allow tamed wild horses to be added to your virtual stable
- Customise what happens when horses are hurt. (Ignore damage?, Transfer to rider?)
Planned Features:
- Buy health for your horse
- /horses help [command] Lists information about sub-commands
- /horses buy <Name> <Breed Type> Buys a horse of the given breed
- /horses delete <Name> Deletes the given horse from your virtual stable v0.4.0
- /horses types Lists the horse types the player has permission to use
- /horses summon <Name> Summons one of the players horses to them
- /horses dismiss Dismisses the summoned horse
- /horses heal [Amount] Heals the players active horse (For a configurable price)
- /horses rename <Name> <NewName> Renames one of the players horses
- /horses list [Player] Lists all the players horses
- /horses give <player> <name> <type> Gives a player a horse Since v1.1.9
- /horses reload Reloads the configuration
- horses.set.user Grants the player permission to use all player sub commands
- horses.set.admin Grants the player permission to use all admin sub commands
- Grants permission to use /horses buy
- horses.command.delete Grants permission to use /horses delete
- horses.command.summon Grants permission to use /horses summon
- horses.command.dismiss Grants permission to use /horses dismiss
- horses.command.heal Grants permission to use /horses heal
- horses.command.rename Grants permission to use /horses renamed
- horses.command.list Grants permission to use /horses list
- horses.command.types Grants permission to use /horses types
- horses.command.list.all Grants permission to list other players horses
- horses.command.reload Grants permission to reload horses config
- horses.command.give Grants permission to use /horses give
- horses.type.<HorseType> Grants permission to buy the given horse types
- horses.colour Grants permission to use & colours codes in your horses name
- horses.formattingcodes Grants permission to use & formatting codes in your horses name
Stats collection:
Horses collects anonymous stats from your server such as player count, version numbers for horses and CraftBukkit also which type of database you are using. All data is sent to and is publicly viewable. You can disable Stats collection by going to plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml and change opt-oit to true.Developer Builds
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server.These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Dev Builds
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