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Firework Projectiles

Add cool looking Fireworks to your projectiles!


Firework Projectiles is a plugin that attaches magical effects to your projectiles. (Bows, snowballs, eggs, enderpearls etc.)

Toggling The Magic Effects

Firework Projectiles turns off and on with certain items, not global players. To toggle off and on, use SHIFT+CLICK.

(Disclaimer: You actually have to fire a bow [any power] to change whether it shoots fireworks)


Firework Projectiles is toggled by: SHIFT+CLICK. This attaches fireworks to your chosen item. (Bow, snowballs, etc)

Config Tutorial

Example config:

fireworks: #The fireworks list
  default: #Default player
    ==: Firework #Specifies firework effect
    flicker: false
    trail: false
    colors: #List of colors
    - ==: Color
      RED: 255
      BLUE: 255
      GREEN: 255
    fade-colors: [] #Empty fade colors
    type: BALL
  moo_we_all_do: #My name :)
    ==: Firework
    flicker: true
    trail: false
    - ==: Color
      RED: 255
      BLUE: 0
      GREEN: 85
    fade-colors: #Fade color list
    - ==: Color
      RED: 0
      BLUE: 0
      GREEN: 255
    type: STAR #Type of firework
  FlightRay: #My closest ally
    ==: Firework
    flicker: true
    trail: true
    - ==: Color
      RED: 0
      BLUE: 255
      GREEN: 0
    - ==: Color
      RED: 0
      BLUE: 0
      GREEN: 0
    type: BALL_LARGE
playerList: #IMPORTANT! If you do not mark your players in the playerList, their fireworks **WILL NOT** be registered.
- moo_we_all_do
- FlightRay
- default

So if you cannot figure this out:

  • fireworks: firework list.
  • playerList: list of players. Important, fireworks will not be registered otherwise.

Everything else you can just copy and paste.

Open Positions

Here are the positions you can sign up for. PM me!

  • Page Manager, taken by tjbruce
  • Tester, taken by cadox8
  • Tester
  • Tester


MooLib can be found here.


I have no donate button to buy me a pizza, so my currency is helpful information in the comments. Thanks Everyone!


FP may be buggy with Paintball