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Archaism Talismans will start downloading in 5 seconds...


I present the Archaism talismans addon, an addon that adds baubbles with interactable effects and modifiers.

New version V1.6 avalible


New!!! custom trinkets UI ;


Different slots are added where you can equip only one item from each category, with different effects, modifiers, that interact with each other to give dynamism to your game;

-Head slot - Necklace slot - Hand slot - Doll slot

-Body slot -  Ring slot - Talisman slot - Wither-ring Slot

-Feet slot - Charm slot - Hearts charm slot - Archaic charm slot


How to make marble?

steps ;

1 - find marble ore in the deeps (cap 120 to -64)

2 - make "raw marble"

3- smelting them in the fusion furnace




The "Recover scroll" has been added, it allows you to unequip and recover your equipped items if you were playing with the old versions of the addon, you can find it next to the Talismans scroll in the nature section.
Old versions ;
Archaism talismans V1.0, V1.2, V1.3, V1.4, V1.5

New! mobs loot

-Wither - Drops its wither fire with 100% probability

-Warden - Drops its Heart with 100% probability

-Ender dragon - Drops its Scales with 100% probability

-Piglin brute - Drops its Bracelet with 15% probability

-Enderman - Drops its Obsidian eye with 5% probability

-Villager- Drops its Heart with 5% probability


New ores!!

Cristal - It is generated from layer -35 downwards

Marble - It is generated from layer 20 downwards


New! Smithing template recipes and armor




Wither-Rings upgrades scale




Necklaces upgrades 



Available languages ​​;







New!!!! icons


Added compati With Dorios trinkets, NOw in the version V1.6.0!!!




Thanks for reading!


The addon is my work, but I have no way to verify it since I don't upload the addon to mcpedl, but I'm still part of the same team of 3 developers, but I'll attach a screenshot in Spanish from the main owner giving me permission to upload the addon.

I'll upload updates often here, thanks!


Leave the screenshots in the images section.