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Mun Science Rover [1.11.1]


How to land a rover on a Moon…? With that!
This system was developed to bring a 3-Kerbal rover to Mun or Minmus. The rover himself contains all scientific experiments (except crew report) and the largest scan arm. Additional included are the new ground experiments. He has his own propulsion system, to reach an orbit if needed or to overcome deep crater or something. The Garage cames also with own propulsion: you can use it as impactor for the seismometer or as small relay station on ground or in orbit (the rover has to be included for relay)! The big Return Modul includes enough fuel, to refuel Lander and Rover to land again, on an other place or to fly to Minmus. In my second testflight (1.9.1) i landed on Minmus before Mun. Please ignore that i doesn´t decouple the landing stage before reentry ;)