HYPER STAR X-7 will start downloading in 5 seconds...
Hello everyone! YES! It is the HYPER STAR DOWNLOAD! A lot of you have been asking me for this ship ever sense you saw it long ago back in 0.23 of KSP. Although that one back then was something like 1300 parts, THIS ONE on the other hand, is only 350, give or take. Not only that, but it can lift 120 Tons. 20 tons more then its old counterpart.
This video took over 24 hours in a 3 day period to make. And it's one of the easier ones. Solar Nations on the other hand, can be done in half a day, with only a handful of hours needed from start to finish. So I will be starting those up again soon.
HATBAT and I should be looking at something here soon as well, but I haven't had time to get everything all setup.
Thank you all again for your support! One day I can make this my day job and really make this channel shine!
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