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Combat Engine


Combat Engine is a powerful engine with clean and solid code, without dependencies on plugins, with all the integrated functions to play any dps at its maximum performance and potential, you just have to create this macro:


/run CombatEngine();

And you can now use a dps with its best rotation, selection of rotations from the best players in its class.


  • Toggle AoE.
  • Toggle Perfect Slide.
  • Toggle Auto use consumables.
  • Optimized support classes.
  • Easy and powerfull .
  • Auto save settings.
  • Minimap button for choose options.
  • Information on each button.
  • Info cards for all combinations classes.
  • info % elemental damage.
  • Extra bar to buff and buff effect monitor.

Toggle quickbar:





Amazing Interface


Info for all classes


Buff helper  / Supported classess

Buffbar Info