Starter Kits | Gaia Studios will start downloading in 5 seconds...
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Starter Kits
6 starter kits with essential items, that auto-apply to your inventory based on character level. Dynamically applies buff logic based on selected buff & BP packs, automatically adapting to your character levels.
Buff Packs:
- Food: Levels 1-5
- Primitive tools: Levels 1-5
- Utility: Levels 5-10
- Structures: Levels 5-10
- Weapons: Levels 10-15
- Metal tools: Levels 15-20
The buffs are automatically applied to your character depending on your level and are automatically removed, wiping the BP from your inventory if you exceed the level range.
- Dynamic buff application based on character level.
- Automatic removal of buffs and BP packs when exceeding level range.
INI Options:
- [GaiaEssentials]
- DisableFoodPack=true/false
- DisablePrimPack=true/false
- DisableStructurePack=true/false
- DisableUtilityPack=true/false
- DisableWeaponsPack=true/false
- DisableMetalToolsPack=true/false
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