S-Dino Variants [Crossplay] will start downloading in 5 seconds...
Mod ID: 912815
This mod was made for my modded map Svartalfheim but can be used on any map.
New Dino Variants:
- S-Allosaurus
- S-Ankylo
- S-Basilosaurus
- S-Carcharodontosaurus
- S-Daeodon
- S-Deinonychus
- S-Deinosuchus
- S-Direbear
- S-Doedicurus
- S-Fasolasuchus
- S-Fenrir
- S-Maewing
- S-Mantis
- S-Megalosaurus
- S-Mosasaurus
- S-Otter
- S-Plesiosaur
- S-Queen Bee
- S-Rex
- S-Reaper
- S-Rockdrake
- S-Snow Owl
- S-Spinosaurus
- S-Thylacoleo
- S-Therizinosaurus
- S-Trike
- S-Velonasaur
- S-Unicorn
- S-Fire Wyvern
- S-Poison Wyvern
- S-Lighting Wyvern
Special Effects:
- Hold E on an S-Dino to enable special particle effects
When Tamed, They Have the Following Stat Adjustments:
- +10% Attack Damage
- +10% Movement Speed
- -10% Health
- Immune against radiation
- S-Ankylosaurus do not stop farming after 50% weight reached anymore (Basically like a Solo farm mod does)
- Has an AOE attack
- Does not heal
- Has base stats like a Rex
- Knockout tame (Exceptional & Extraordinary Kibble)
- Does not get tame effectiveness bonus levels for balance reasons
- Breedable
- Climb ability is still a bit bugged, couldn't figure out a fix for that yet
- Will be changed to egg-mechanic for taming when Deinonychus are out officially
- Same Stat increases like other S-Dinos
- S-Doedicurus do not stop farming after 50% weight reached anymore (Basically like a Solo farm mod does)
- S-Doedicurus also reduces Sand weight by 75%
- 50% weight reduce for Metal, Metalingot, Obsidian, Crystal, Stone, Polymer, Sand, Sulfur & Black Pearls
- 20% Bigger than normal Direbears
- Harvest Metal instead of flint
- Knockout Tame
- Breedable
- Same Abilities as in ASE
- Spikes always visible
- Snow effects instead of typical S-Dino particles
- uses "DinoSpawnEntriesSnow" spawn container
- 50% weight reduce for Metal, Metalingot, Obsidian, Crystal, Stone, Polymer & Black Pearls
- Does not go into force sleep mode while daytime, still stronger at night
- Same Stat increases like other S-Dinos
S-Queen Bee:
- Does not have a hive
- Produces Honey while on wandering
- Eats rare flowers only
- Spawns like normal bees
S-Snow Owl:
- Allows Mounted Weaponry
- Can Fly backwards
- Heals twice as much as a normal owl
- Needs 30% more food for taming / Takes longer to tame
- Allows Mounted Weaponry
How Do S-Dinos Spawn?:
- There is a 10% chance of an S-dino spawn in place of its vanilla variant
- S-Maewings got added as a possible spawn to "DinoSpawnEntriesJungle" spawner
- S-Fenrir got added as a possible spawn to "DinoSpawnEntriesSnow" spawner
- S-Unicorn & S-Carcha have a 50% spawnchance
- S-Deinonychus has a 10% chance to spawn instead of a raptor. So it spawns everywhere where a raptor can spawn
Blueprint Paths:
- On my Discord server is an FAQ channel with a link to an info sheet which gets updated with every update
Thanks to:
- Ave for BP work
- Segradeth for BP work