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Mystic Plus (M+) [(S+) Structures Plus Conversion] will start downloading in 5 seconds...


Need Help with this mod, or a place to call home? Check out Mystic Isles Discord:

To make donations or see what Mystic Isles is all about, check our webpage at:

All credit for this mod goes to orionsun, he is the original creator who was nice enough to leave it open source for us! This version of the mod is going to be tailored to our community and will not include everything from the original mod.

  • Mutator is now available in this mod
  • Nanny is now available in this mod
  • Propagator (Working on this structure soon)
  • Vivarium (May add this later down the line once some maps get released, it breaks progression too much to add now)

Updates and Information can now be found in our discord.