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Cosmetics Of Ancient Rome (Roman Cosmetics) will start downloading in 5 seconds...

Cosmetics Of Ancient Rome (Roman Cosmetics) avatar

Cosmetics Of Ancient Rome (Roman Cosmetics)

This is a Premium mod, it requires purchase in-game in order to access its content.


Art imitates life.

Some items you will find in the mod

The Roman Empire was and is a fascinating educator. From languages, battle tactics, practical skills, philosophy, critical thinking, morality…; one can broaden their understanding of all of these ideas in the study of the history of Ancient Rome. And with these fascinations, their clothing also just looked really cool.

Proudly perform and present as the bravest and most notable figures of this fantastic empire, which fell in time immemorial.

Imperium Romanum magnus est!

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  • 30 Unique Cosmetics, including weapons and armor

  • All cosmetics are fully colorable

  • All cosmetics are made from scratch by me, Jimmy

  • Cosmetics will look best on a character with base character creation settings, but don’t be afraid to experiment!

**Hover over the items in the cosmetics tab to read a tidbit regarding the items relations to the events, people and ideas of Ancient Rome! **

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Have fun! - Jimmy

Pro Alberto, qui in Gooperium lucet, etiam me cum hoc adiuvit. Gratias tibi ago.