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The mod adds Dedicated Style Storage to early game that will work with the Wireless Crafting System. Each Bulk Storage Box can store alot of items and has matching General Storage. All boxes Bulk and General has 3 Tiers Wood,Metal And TEK and they all snap together so you can line up your storage to fit nicely against a wall.
Bulk Wood Tier Stores 10000 Stacks of 1 item type.
Bulk Metal Tier Stores 15000 Stacks of 1 item type.
Bulk TEK Tier Stores 20000 Stacks of 1 item type.
General Wood Tier has 100 slots can store any item type
General Metal Tier has 200 slots can store any item type
General TEK Tier has 300 slots can store any item type
All Bulk Boxes shows the Icon of the item it stores and the ammount currently stored in it. Has Depoisit and Withdraw Feature like the Vanilla Dedicated Storage so you can go up to a Bulk Box and Press E on it and it will take what you have in your inventory of the stored item type and if you dont have any of that item type it will give you a stack of that item type. If you open the inventory of the Bulk Box you can withdraw smaller ammounts at a time (1, 5, or 10 items at a time)