Better Rock Golem will start downloading in 5 seconds...
This is a commissioned mod that adds rock golems with many new features.
Current Features
- Can gather more resources with 75% weight reduction. different gathering modes can be selected through the radial wheel while mounted.
- Can be converted into a small or large version.
- Can now jump and is immune to fall damage.
- Has increased attack speed.
- Takes no bleed damage and protects players from all damage.
- Spawns with new colors that also glows at night.
- You can use it in boss fights.
- Has a knockout mode that deals massive torpor and low HP damage.
- Remaps wild rock golems.
Spawn Codes
cheat SpawnDino "/BetterRockGolem/Dinos/BetterRockGolem_Character_BP.BetterRockGolem_Character_BP" 10 0 0 150
cheat SpawnDino "/BetterRockGolem/Dinos/BetterRockGolem_Character_BP_Rubble.BetterRockGolem_Character_BP_Rubble" 10 0 0 150
Bug Reports or Suggestions
For any bug reports or suggestions the best way to contact me is via discord